Well if she’s happy then I’m happy and we’re all happy! Someone call fuckin Flo and Eddie!
Well if she’s happy then I’m happy and we’re all happy! Someone call fuckin Flo and Eddie!
no it’s fine he’s totally crisp between 10am and 4pm, when all things in the entire world happen.
Thank you. It’s intensely frustrating to watch people spout the party line bullshit and try and convince (me? themselves?) that he’s anything but an old man who isn’t anywhere near sharp enough to do the job.
I’ve had people tell me: yeah, but it’s really the team that does all the work, the president doesn’t need to…
Biden was holed up in Camp David for a week (supposedly) prepping immediately prior to the debate. The “jetlagged” excuse is patently absurd. A stutter doesn’t induce you to say things like “we finally beat Medicare” or, when the other guy is talking, just kind of stare off into space with your mouth half open like…
You really think framing it as “guy can’t recover from jetlag in twelve days” is helping?
Keep going. It helps.
Where did the jet lag come from? He was at Camp David for seven days up until the debate prepping for it so he didn’t just get off a plane. First it was a cold and now it’s jet lag? Also, yeah he has a stutter, but his stutter didn’t make him talk gibberish or get completely lost in his train of thought.
Because it's whataboutery. Responding to someone pointing out that males commit the vast majority of sexual violence with "yeah but some women rape too" is typical #notallmen men's rights misogyny
Wow! There are a whole lot of people in the comments that don’t believe in biological sex, female only spaces or rape survivors rights.
In all fairness to JKR, she’s making moral arguments while Saint David is just spewing insults. I know he’s the cool kid in school, but in any other situation the person who can’t do anything beyond call names loses.
“Until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore”
Considering her views have had exactly zero impact on the sales of any and all things Harry Potter, how abhorrent are those views to the average person, especially considering how risk averse to pissing off progressives most entertainment companies are?
yes, let’s let children without the prefrontal cortex necessary for critical thinking lead the way. cut off the tits! give the children hormones. children who believe in santa. surely, they know best. it’s not like transitioning is now a billion dollar industry absolutely rife with fucking dissent and controversy…
Definitely nothing intolerant about slandering someone for their gender, age and national origin lol.
I don’t think it’s a minority opinion, most people really don’t give a shit.
Yeah, rehabilitation is bad! Once people admit to doing bad things, they should never do anything again! They should just become online accountants, and never leave their homes, ever!
I think people know it isn’t about that at all, and love to troll. It’s easy click bait.
It used to get somewhat spirited debate every year, but at this point it’s been pretty well established that claiming the song is rapey is just clickbait. Even a cursory listen to the words tells you that the woman in question:
Ooh, I have a few!
What could be more timely than a June 2024 post resuscitating a niche cultural debate from 2015 about a 1949 Christmas song?