Also, Why aren’t you tolerant of my intolerance?!?!
Also, Why aren’t you tolerant of my intolerance?!?!
Twitter is taking his butt to chuch
“Either you are for Trump or you are against him,” Dershowitz sobbed into his word processing program, “and that is all some people need to know to make judgments about you.”
Being invited to private homes is his right but having to bake a cake for gay people at your public buissness is government overreach. Got it.
I have also discovered that by not going outside I have greatly diminished my need for sunscreen. It really is a win, win situation.
Let’s see, if he flips on Trump, will it bring down the President? Fuck and no.
I don’t disagree with your pessimism short term. I do think longer term that a government based on the will of the people does have to answer to them eventually, and that our political history is filled with violent electoral reactions to overreaches by folks running that government.
I guess the question is what is personally worse to you: permanently sterilizing yourself or sleeping with Paul Ryan? I don’t know, they both sound like hell.
I think the correct response is with thoughts and prayers
Doctors will continue to do abortions. For wealthy white women who have insurance and who can afford to be checked into the hospital for a day or two.
Stop spending.
This is not a sarcastic reply. The GOP has all the cards and they don’t care what we say. But they care what corporations say. We have to apply pressure to corporations to speak out on every social issue that is on the horizon. We need to turn our backs on every company that is not a vocal advocate for women’s rights,…
Throughout this administration I have been shocked, hurt, heartbroken, exasperated, annoyed, and pissed off, but I have never been scared before. But this shit scares me.
It’s likely she did not think beyond “her emails” and “let’s mix it up in DC”.
Hey, this Trumper bitch got exactly what she wanted. I mean, she did know that one of the president’s powers is nominating Supreme Court Justices, yes? And she knew that it was entirely possible that one or more would retire or die, didn’t she? Or is she as stupid as the president she voted for?
What gets me, beyond the policy implications, is that all the cheating, corruption and dishonesty the Republicans have pulled gets rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.
Did it never occur to her that the half-wit she helped elect might be able to appoint Supreme Court Justices?
A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.
To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.