
His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

RISK! My boyfriend makes fun of me for sobbing daily to that podcast. That story really fucked me up...how even though they got out, their lives were completely ruined forever. What heartbreaking trauma.

Do you really want to know? :/ It’s one of those things that can never be unknown.


Once a coworker told me that even after Sandy Hook he’s never giving up his guns, I realized any attempt at a discussion about it was completely over.

Hi, I’m also a white lady. It’s no one’s responsibility, in these incredibly difficult and important times, to “take time” and tell you, an incredibly privileged person, how you are seen by people of color. You do not get extra credit for doing what we should all already be doing.

That’s because it’s easier to hide your racism underneath patriotism. There’s this false belief that if I’m a patriot, I can’t possibly be a racist.

Add me to that lot.

Super glad I’m not the only one whose mind went to the wrong diaphragm.

I agree with half the premise, that they want to fuck over black and brown voters.

I mean, I think she was being a good friend by telling her what Dean wasn’t telling her. I realize that this is a spin off of a show focused on one person dating a whole bunch of other people but Dean was clearly playing them off of each other and using both of them so he made it to the end. I’m glad she left. That

“middle America somewhere shortly after January 2009 decided to become the Joker in The Dark Knight”

Wells is a BIG TIME favorite in my viewing party circle. We love him. Hoping that making him the bartender this season was their way of keeping him visible but also not totally blowing it with some fake shit like they did with Nick last year.

It’s a helluva thing to see people still asking why Donald Trump got elected.

Maybe she can stand by the border and tell the people getting thrown out how principled she is.

Truth to all of this - middle America somewhere shortly after January 2009 decided to become the Joker in The Dark Knight. They just want to burn the whole thing down, fuck the consequences. Even now, after everything that’s happened in the last 8 months, 30-ish% of America will still cosign Trump and his

“They don’t give a damn about bettering their own fucking lives. They just want ours to suck too.”

I did pick a side, and I am working; I’ve got a DSA local meeting coming up. So your assumptions maybe don’t totally apply to me? I’m bitching about the Hillary stan mindset that if people would have just liked her more, everything would have been fine. And there’s a big difference between “democratic loyalists” and

It is. Remember, apart from the hard-core racists that form his base, there’s also a majority of Americans who are soft-racists. You know, the ones who say they don’t see color, but wish Kaep would have kept politics out of football. Those people are the ones who will look at a Dreamer and say “well, it’s too bad,

They’re doing this for the racists. They’ve decided that base is enough to govern (and they may be right! ) and they’re only going to keep pushing racist policies that excite that base. The Breitbart crowd is thrilled with this decision.