Diskey Whick

+1 vestigial organ

Just yesterday I remembered that there was never a resolution to this. Weird but true.

Ah so.

Ah so.

Eh, I would carry a USB plug anyway just in case there was an outlet handy. But cool nonetheless.

Eh, I would carry a USB plug anyway just in case there was an outlet handy. But cool nonetheless.

Hmmm. Time stamp.

Taint it the truth.

I thought Kinja was also a title along the lines of Ninja

But I’m stuck thinking about her digestive system every time I hear the word “probiotics”

I don’t understand how $75mil is going to make her feel any better. It’s fucking horrid what happened to her, but come on.

Um how about sometimes it's ok to let the dregs go

How about the benefits of the Jones model, in which the City of Arlington’s 30-year bonds will be paid off in less than 20, and prudent public financing combined with an owner who was willing to put up a good amount of his own money was a rousing success? Oh, because then we’d have to say something nice about Jerry

It seems a high Ball would only have escalated the situation

Oh, they absolutely were extremely reluctant

I wish I could star this but I fear that too many people out there actually feel that way. :/

The league could have no commissioner and literally nothing would change. Why reward an asshat for asshattery?

At first glance I thought this was that new Coleco Chameleon, and said to myself, “Boy, either Gawker is getting a good cut of these or there must be a looooooooooot of old Jaguar housings that need to be repurposed.”

At first glance I thought this was that new Coleco Chameleon, and said to myself, “Boy, either Gawker is getting a

This this this is exactly what I got out of the article

Wrong fanbase

Oh this is so great
