Diskey Whick

Well, considering the topic is players post playing career (post meaning after), that’s not really relevant. But if you’re not watching Michael Irvin on NFL Network (or the Pro Bowl or 4th and Long a few years ago) and enjoying the shit out of it, you’re doing it wrong.

I for one welcome the return of “You’ve Got The Right One, Baby!”

I think the Steelers deserve a mention for Terry Bradshaw alone.

I blocked out his existence he’s so damn insufferable. So happy to have been reminded.

Mercury Morris is so insufferable that I have blocked out his existence, rendering me quite surprised when I saw the Dolphins atop the list. But then I was like, yes, yes, of course yes. Couldn’t have been anyone else.

He really does care about football

The problem wasn’t the throw, it was the fact that he was asked to throw that pass at all.

This. The football gods work in mysterious ways.

I’ve enjoyed the past efforts. This one fell flat. Maybe it’s time to take this idea out back and put it down.

“I like it.”

Yeah, too bad it was before they started rigging outcomes

Proud to push this into triple digit stars

So many Mikes to keep track of in this comment thread

Now that’s a joke of a different color.

Vegas and the Raiders are perfect for each other

Now playing

I am 20 years late to the Cranberries party. My new obsession.

Please do this for Amazon Prime also

Comedy is hard

Cant wait for the new record to drop (right in the toilet probably)

On a serious note, evangelism itself is not inherently destructive and horrible. It’s the assholes who act in the name of evangelism to do horrible and destructive things who are the real villains. Or whatever.