Man, this was such a joy to watch in the theater. My buddy and I picked up what it was putting down right away and the rest of the audience eventually got pissed at us for laughing so much. Then we were laughing at them.
I’ve seen many times IRL. Hot damn son, she’s even more striking in person.
The Christmas Song was written by Mel Torme on an unbearably hot summer day in hopes of evoking feelings of winter.
Oh boy, Buuuud Polquin. Did he grow the ‘stache back? His Budness levels dropped dramatically when he shaved it back in the day. I ignored his columns for years. Now that I’m not in Syracuse and no longer forced to read the Sub-Standard, it’s become a lot easier. This one’s a classic.
Only if they’re Greg Hardy photos.
Man, the stars prove that you’re not the only idiot, so you’ve got that going for you.
Judge gets all the stars
Didn’t seem to help much.
It’s also well known that when he was a fat fuck he ran an underground pornography rental business out of his dorm room.
Wow! So harsh... c’mon, Ice-T’s not that bad.
APrime is the shee-it.
Ha ha ha! I meant they should get out of their ignorant, tasteless Millenial heads more.
They are ALL assholes.
Those people should get out more.
As an East Coaster and a college graduate, I speak on behalf of myself when I ask, “What’s Towson University?”
Mmmmm you’re delicious
Looks like the Kings should rename themselves the Greg Hardys, amirite?
My football number was 76. I’ve been searching for years for an alcohol whose proof would match that number, sadly to no avail. At least now I’m am alcoholic so it doesn’t even matter! Whatever works, baby!