Diskey Whick

Boy howdy, that’ll show Greg Hardy.

This is a real stretch, Deadspin. I don’t see what this has to do with Greg Hardy.


Only least unlikable when playing Patriots.

I assumed a fresh eagle daily.

Emil Muzz on the drums

the whole point of this kind of cheesy pedantic bullshit... make not doing drugs seem mortifyingly uncool. #missionaccomplished

Um no mixie the wellbutry with other druggies... dat’s bad bombin’.

Used to pass his shop all the time on my way to buy booze

+1 dropped assault charge

+1 futon full of firearms

Side effect of the recent changes to the space-time continuum.

No wonder the dinosaurs were so cranky. Solution: get 'em out of those stilettos and get ‘em laid.

Why do people find Matthew Berry so loathsome? Even if you ignore the fact that he left his first failed career to make a killing basically guessing how overpaid athletes are going to perform, dude’s just a creeper.