
I disagree with Snopes on this one. Snopes is great, but they’re not infallible. They even admit by the end of the post that she hedges on so much in her “support” of vaccines.

*reports remarks verbatim*

“Stop bashing her!”

Not only is she not prepared to be President, she has no desire to be President. She’s never run for elected office other than a seat on her town council - her repeated Presidential runs are nothing but an exercise in ego and moral purity for herself and those who just can’t bring themselves to vote strategically.

Its gotten to the point where I want a white list of calls that will get through my phone. If you are not on it, it goes straight to vmail.

Some hacker needs to spend some freetime creating a robocall that incessantly and mercilessly dials that judge’s smartphone/house. THEN see how much he agrees with the First Amendment.

And just think, “everyone” who heard of this show originally thought “Main characters name is Liv Moore? Really? a little on the nose...” And last season ended with a company called Filmore Graves?

Clearly this show leans into the camp so much it's made this show a masterpiece.... I love it and can't wait for it's

Cargo Shorts or GTFO. I'm too old to worry about impressing anyone.

This just seems like they’re doing the entire mega-arc that spawned out of Civil War 1 all over again, but with Cap as the Top Asshole of the World this time instead of Tony.

Interviewers have tried to ask that question. The answer is another 10 minute tirade. The problem with any interview with him is that he’s not giving people an hour to probe him so they can cut 10 minutes together - he’s giving them 5 minutes before he has to go on for a speech or whatever. So the media guys feel like

And Drumpf has gone after Bill Clinton for his issues with women.

Aquaman in Brave and the Bold might be one of the funniest comic characters ever. Watch it just for that.

Wow betide everyone who doubted that Space Cabbie was in this show.

I am cautiously optimistic. Kevin Conroy is back (and that’s either Mark Hamill or a VERY good sound-alike), so I’m contractually obligated to watch.

Those spreads were amazing.

The Steve Rogers of the comics was born in Manhattan, meaning this is a statue specifically of a 5-year-old movie character, but which celebrates 75 years of a comic character, who was actually born across the East River. I assume that, much like Cap’s recent dalliance with hailing Hydra, that the reality-altering

Now playing

how could this have been written without mentioning Tim’s Vermeer?

I can live without it, no pun intended. Killing a character off is basically saying “I’ve run out of ideas.” I think it was the late Dwayne McDuffie who said, “Just put ‘em on a bus out of town.” Same effect and if you change your mind you can always bring them back. You want to explore a permanent death? That’s what

“There was an article the other day about how comics sales are stronger than they’ve been since something like 1997.”

Cheap dramatic effect? Who, me?

Christ this shit is stupid. So glad I cancelled all my subscriptions. Marvel (and DC) needs to give up on crossover “events” and building (or blowing up) continuity and just focus on individual titles with good stories and interesting characters.