
It’s rotting grain. Ben Carson said so.

I have a two-word response for those that hate the Nelson years: Werewolf.

There's not really a debate. Mike was writing most of Joel's jokes even when Joel was hosting. I like Joel, and his goofy, endearing, half-stoned character, but Mike was the real genius behind the show.

I think it’s more to the issue that people rarely consider NOT having kids - like it’s something everyone just automatically has to do to be considered an ‘adult’ - which is utter and total bullshit.

I think it is probably because children ruin EVERYTHING. Seriously. Don’t have babies people.

They are wealthy enough to have great expectations for their kids, but poor enough to not have all the tools to get them meet those expectations (ie right preschool, right private school, right college, right connections for jobs).

-edited for brevity.

I'm actually really happy for these people that they have been able to solve every other problem in their lives to focus on getting mass produced coffee in a red cup. I envy their lives.

I thought it was Krampus.

Christmas iconography like snowflakes, which were on the cups last year.

So the new definition of ‘oppressed’ is ‘an international coffee chain does not have a seasonal cup for my specific holiday or at least not in the way I think it should be recognized.’

I don’t know. They may have a point. Those cups don’t look anything like the ones Jesus drank his Gingerbread Lattes out of.

By the Spirits, Christians, are by far the whiniest of all religions.

The judges would have also accepted “Christopher Lee” as an answer.

How are arrogant atheists having an impact on the world, beyond annoying you? I promise you arrogant religious zealots are doing much worse.

atheist here. i don’t believe in god(s)...isn’t that the very definition of “atheism”? also i plan on being a tree after i die.

Pure crap. People have different goals. They’re not walking fast JUST to be a dick. They’re walking fast because they have to get from A to B in a certain period of time and strolling along, waving to others, and smelling the roses is not going to get them there on time. If they’re out on a Saturday with the kids and

I’m fine with slow walkers, as long as they aren’t walking two or three abreast and move over when they know I’m coming behind them. And sometimes I walk faster because I actually need to be somewhere...so you keep me from getting there, expect me to hate you.

Any of the Lemony Snicket audio books (performed by Tim Curry)

The Screwtape Letters, read by John Cleese