
Based on your ideas, I think they need to reinvision the British version of The Office in the Potterverse with Ron as the David Brent character.

Well put. I always hated the Viktor/Hermione/Ron triangle because it was so trite and by-the-numbers. At least Viktor seemed to appreciate her while Ron always seemed to have this weird resentment toward her. I think he would have been constantly resentful of her success in a continuing relationship.

I’m with you. It was all too neat and easy. Especially in the movies where it felt like they flipped the “Ron and Hermione” switch at the last minute.

I always thought that Harry and Luna made so much more sense. They were both damaged people and she was just about the only one that saw him as a person instead of The Boy Who Lived.

What? Everyone settles down with the person they fell for when they were sixteen! That’s totally realistic!

1) A better role for Phasma. I know Star Wars has a grand tradition of wasting characters that seem interesting (Boba Fett, Darth Maul) but come on.

Agreed. People have been predicting The End of the World for thousands of years. Every generation thinks civilization is on a fast decline because, naturally, their generation was the apex of civilization and “those darn ungrateful kids” are making everything worse.

Earth Abides by George R. Stewart. It’s a bit trite in places but it’s kind of amazing since it was written in 1949.

At least once a week someone asks me if I watch BBT.

A good tip is to look into your local art museum to see if they do reciprocal agreements with other museums. I pay a bit extra to our local museum for an annual membership, but when I went to NY last year I went to several museums for free. It was nice to spread out my visit to the Met over three days.

Sploid is the kid that got picked last for gym class.

Whoa. If I have to pay extra for a seat it’s mine. Was the next part of her plan to guilt a first class flyer out of their seat?

Now before you get mad, please allow me to paraphrase the successful Hunger Games franchise and remind you who the real enemy is. It’s not me or the fat person sitting next to you. It’s the Uniteds, Southwests, and Deltas of this world. Airlines, for the most part, are terribly run businesses and they deserve all of

(Which in turn means the TV heroes could meet the movie characters some day.)

It’s kind of funny — after hearing the Internet talk for years about how great the X-Files was people are starting to remember they had some real stinkers.

I know I should watch it but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

No kidding. Java and Flash seem to account for the bulk of my headaches.

After watching the hot mess that was Age of Ultron, I thought Ant-Man was pretty good.

There sure are some stupid theories there but I wouldn’t rule any of them out. After all, we’ve seen three “giant planet killer space stations” over the course of seven movies so they’re not exactly super good at coming up with original ideas.

Yeah, you probably should have read it before shooting your mouth off.