
What if Favreau had done it? Iron Man was the movie that kick-started the whole shebang back to life.

The only question is will it be old "Evil Dead"-style awesome or new "Evil Dead"-style gross?

Several thoughts:

Not according to Talking Dead.

If zombie skulls are so fragile that Beth can just stomp on them and they explode, I assume a high-pressure water hose would do the same.

Same here! I can't stand cooking when I'm alone. My current "the wife is out of town for the week" strategy is to buy boneless skinless chicken thighs, broccoli florets, baby carrots, and cauliflower florets at Costco. I marinate the chicken in a ziploc bag and cook all of them in one go on the grill. Then I roast the

I get guilty pleasures but not hate-watching.

Yeah, that always bugged me about that movie: Sid being terrible hinged upon the idea that toys were sentient beings.

Yeah, but try watching something like Manos: The Hands of Fate without riffs.

A few thoughts:

Yeah, I didn't get that either. It was another part of the story that broke down the more you thought about it.

Well, there has to be paperwork so they can keep track of what everyone "owes," right?

She's going to be so surprised when she gets back and realizes that nobody cares.

You implied upthread that you saw the trailer when you replied to raiju's post.

Not sure how you watched last week's "next time..." without realizing Beth was back.

Now I want someone to recut the last scenes with a wistful monologue and backing indie music a la Scrubs.

Rocky Horror isn't popular because it's good, or even because it's "so bad it's good" but because it's A Thing. If you're just going to watch it on Netflix or something it misses the point.

This is true. Heterosexual men get a pass on all musicals.

Different strokes for different folks...I gave up on Cinematic Titanic because their movies were so unwatchable even the jokes didn't help.

Your loss. It was hilarious.