
Bonds is EASILY the best player of all time, in my opinion. He’s also a cheater, and I wouldn’t vote him in.

It’s apparent that reporters droning on about this topic have cut him really deep

You have a bright future in the Browns’ front office!

This is an impossibly mundane story told in a longform fashion I just wasn’t expecting. James Joyce is proud of you, I guess.

It’s like if Curt Schilling and Philip Rivers had a baby and it learned how to talk by watching videos of people having strokes.

Easy now. Not all patriots are racist.  

A car that isn’t in a crash costs nothing to repair.

The good news is that Sarah’s now qualified for so many other jobs that require a straight face, like...

And people say this guy was never IV league material.

Polonium-210 strikes again.

I forgot about that. Classic.

On keto here, not the same as low-calorie, have some good vehicles to suggest:

My nephews, Easton and Weston, would like you to know it could get a shitload worse.

Messi vs ronaldo is not in anyway a debate. It never has been. Messi is on another galaxy.

Nobody remembers the Tempo, but that was easily the shittiest piece of shit I ever rode in.

Heh. Absolutely true story. It’s the late ‘80s (this is important), and I’m with my long-term GF (about my age, 22/23 or so), in her bedroom at her folks’ house. Sometime about midnight-ish, rowdiness starts to happen, and the GF is pining for some candle-play. So the tapers come out (we were duly diligent, so they

This is what I do at parties.

“In my mind, Tesla’s core competency is their technology. And that 17-inch touchscreen is the embodiment of Tesla’s technological prowess.“

He took the door off the spice cabinet in his kitchen to maximize brand visibility for McCormick.

The real question is: can the UPS guy navigate my tasteful and practical snow porch chainsaw maze?