
I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a

“I don’t see why not.”

In boxing, the Mexican style is basically walking straight forward, cutting off the ring at the corners, and leading with power shots. It means you are willing to eat jabs, basically.

These toolbags.

I assume Kaep was screening his calls.

Honestly, I think the Jets made the right move not offering Kaepernick a contract, this is so much funnier

Stop this bad habit. Finish the food before you serve it to them. This is how they will come to appreciate good, well finished food.

Pfft, Loser prolly doesn’t even have a car.

Love that this is what’s dominating conservative news today. You can smell the desperation.

Maybe if baseball didn’t have so many traditions and unwritten rules and assorted rigamarole bullshit in the first place, there wouldn’t be as much to bitch about. The fact that a sport played in 2017 has gentleman’s agreements regarding pitchers doctoring balls/pine tar (if we can’t see it, you aren’t using it),

You must be one of the first people to actually record Labor Hours in a fixer-upper article like this. So many people don’t consider the value of their time, but it’s important.

Those snipers were at the Cardinals game last night.

but he is chiefly famous for his speed records.

Now playing

And yet, that is not the best part. For you should know that this guy -Oscar Pérez- pulled the very trick on the very same goalkeeper (José de Jesús Corona) he scored on yesterday, some 11 years ago (‘06), while being part of the team (Cruz Azul) his counterpart now defended. I guess that’s what you call full circle,

the Google Glass guy

That was literally one of the best sports questions I have heard.

He also does this shit all the time. He’s constantly shitting on the contestants’ stories. As well he should. They’re always terrible.