
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Although we understand the risks involved when we head out into the Forests to watch rally, it doesn’t make it any less tragic when spectator deaths occur.”

Except when they are. Who funded the America’s Army franchise, again?

Its all fun and games till the Nuggets mascot hangs himself from the rafters to preserve his brain for CTE research.

This. I never knew this was a thing people did...I assumed if you bought tickets from a private party, they either had to email you a .pdf or hand-deliver or mail the paper tickets. I had no idea you could just drop off your tickets at the Will Call window and expect them to hold onto them for you and deliver.

I grew up on a farm and we raised sheep so I do know about sheep.

The Raven who threw the punch will be cut on Monday. Not for punching someone, but for not doing it in an elevator as team policy dictates.

Yes, but only because JK Simmons has an Oscar.

You should have reminded her before her second anniversary that brides have a year to write thank you notes for gifts given so if she wrote one ASAP she’d still be within the acceptable time period. Because that amount of awful requires some next-level snark in return.

This Geno post just keeps churning out gold nuggets, and here you are strutting in...

“No way a single jet could do that much damage.” - Pete Carroll

I think a footnote is in order for WYTS 2015 Jets edition.

How does a show that wants to be Entourage fail so badly at something that should be so easy?

This show is pure unadulterated dog diarhea.

Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged

Counterpoint: OS X kinda sucks on a desktop.

Here’s what I don’t like: I don’t want a huge phone. The 4.7 inch Moto X was awesome. The 5.2 was also awesome, but just a teeeeeny bit big for my taste. But this? No. I want this phone, just shrunk down to 5.2 again. I’d even pay more for that. I said it last year and I’ll say it again: Bigger != Better.

The best thing about an Action Park related article is that the comments section inevitably turns into a cavalcade of nostalgic horror stories.

Too charitable. Mummified foreskin and cotton candy aren’t cartoonishly racist.

Yeah. Moto X has pink. That thing up there is not pink. It's more of a trout or an arctic char...