
seriously...switch to tmobile, there is 0 reason not to. I switched last year and couldnt be happier. New phone twice if a year if I wanted and a data speed on par even when not LTE. Also my phones are not branded with crap and come out WHEN they come out now

We didn't even think we'd get to see the RSS retraction- it was scheduled to be about 1:30 and around 11 am we were in lightning lockdown in the twent and poor Gerst, Wheels & Mike Massimino were stuck there with us as the rest of the press area flooded. Somehow we got very lucky and got shuffled out of the cafeteria

Tweetup? I have similar pics next to Atlantis for STS135 *sobs*

When the LA-bound shuttle flew over my area (Sacramento), I took the morning off, grabbed my best camera gear, high-tailed it to downtown, and waited patiently for it to arrive. I had to postpone a meeting and annoy someone in the process, but it was so worth it. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a guy who has

Faster, you say? Well, if it can play Netflix without buffering constantly for the next hour any time you try to use the jump back 10 seconds button, that would be an enormous improvement over my TivoHD. And that's not even over wifi. Strung Cat5 through the walls thinking that would make a difference.

I loved that Cracked article. :-)

Man, I've had this exact thought about Limer's profile picture. In fact, the Germans have a specific word for this: Backpfeifengesicht.


At least they were able to do what the District Attorney of Eagle County, Colorado couldn't manage to get done:

booze-liking, pussy-loving, dinger-slamming

Yeah, I feel awful for Young. There's nothing he could have done but he seems to feel terrible about it.

No grass on the field? Now here's an event where Neil Diamond should perform 'Sweet Caroline'

What exactly did Greinke do? Not really clear here and I can't be bothered with actual research.

Like we need to be associated with another fucking loser.

I'm going to blatantly copy/paste something I saw on my Facebook feed today, but it's very accurate, especially the last part about how the only hands you see helping and saving people are human hands.

"It’s an unpopular topic in many circles, but in the aftermath of the devastating tornado that ravaged Moore, Oklahoma

This must be part of the new Coors Light cross-promotion urging fans to "(Ball) Tap the Rockies!"

Nope? No other eager bilingual kids willing to transcribe the translation? .... Alright, fuck, I'll do it:

On that note, SimCity 4 at least had "My Sims" which would live at a consistent place and work at a consistent place, instead of behaving in a way beholden to a deranged sort algorithm. I don't know if every Sim in your city did that as part of their modeling, but your individual (and importable from The Sims) Sims

Latest comment: I encourage you do adapt this process to a Thanksgiving turkey. It's incredibly difficult to wrestle a large bird corpse into a simmering pot of brine (not water!) but you can cook a 15lb turkey in *half an hour* and it will be the best fucking Turkey you've ever had. You'll realize you've never before

I think the point above isn't that it's wrong or evil to boil the chicken first or cook it on propane or smoke it over a sandy pit full of authentic Bahamian wood while speaking the language of the Taíno people of pre-Colombian times: the point is that barbecued chicken thighs are delicious virtually however you make