
If you’re good people and need a Thanksgiving dinner to crash, hit me up.

This works for me best if I decide to back a team, usually at random. Or the underdog. Then it feels like I have a stake in watching and it makes individual moments more fun.

So Maggie will ask you “are you going for the lights or are you trying to time it” when she sees you royally struggling in dress rehearsal. She usually suggests, well, the opposite of whichever you’re doing. I practiced in front of the TV with basically what I was reading to be the right cadence and still got burned.

I lost to Austin Rogers and it fucking sucked. I am firmly at the top, and just a smidge to the right, of the Jeopardy! contestant bell curve. I am not anything close to an “all-star” and hearing that he had a 9-day total of $300k plus just took all the oxygen out of the green room.

Look up the Fedex origin story:

This is a deep OG Grover Golden Books reference, and as someone who read his original childhood version of this book to his daughter last night, respect.

The buzzing system is... a lesser of evils scenario. Most people on the show know most of the clues, which is a pretty fair assumption. But there’s still categories that people have as weaknesses. Mine was Opera, so imagine my delight when THAT showed up in Double Jeopardy! for me.

I mean, I just use my wedding band, much to the consternation of my wife...

I mean, I just use my wedding band, much to the consternation of my wife...

You just know he texted his mom to watch today and then—oof. 

Extremely low margins, and... Apple doesn’t manufacture screens anyway. iPhones use LG or Samsung panels so... while they could just badge an LG panel like they used to do with their Cinema Displays... they’re harder items to move, stock, warranty, deal with, etc. and for pretty low margins. Apple likes the high

So staying fat can yield an upgrade to economy plus or business class? Excellent!

Jeeeezus this article is a real fucking reach. Tim Kaine’s “off the cuff” response was perfectly direct: “Nope.” And then the folksy “that’s not how I was raised” but, while, who cares, not terribly ideal, you’re over-interpreting into oblivion here. 

Abso-fucking-lutely. If players knew that skating the crease meant, just as frequently as not, getting a blocker to the chest...

Mini Reese’s cups. You’re thinking of Mini Reese’s cups.

Pull a nose hair. Seriously. 100% of the time, it works 100% of the time.

+1 DJI

Jesus, thank you. This is the kind of story I would've stopped a close friend from feeling because dear god it's not interesting read the room! 

God damn if this isn’t the hard-hitting hardcore chess coverage I never knew I craved. Thanks for writing this up. Really great analysis, and fascinating.

He’s a driver in Phoenix. He absolutely didn’t recognize them. He could have had Shane Doan, OEL, Keith Tkachuk, and Wayne Gretzky in the car and he wouldn’t have recognized them either.