
Missed depth mapping it with the floor, so it stayed in focus with the mug while the rest of the floor blurred. 

However, the origins of the material do not anyway impact the efficacy of our product.

In one of the stupidest indiscretions of my youth, I jumped my parents’ 1993 navy blue Suburban with some friends in the car late one night. We had stumbled on a very steep railroad crossing and hypothesized that we’d be able to get air. I had my friend watch the speedometer while I watched the road, and on our second

You say this, but Fox News is still a thing. 

These look familiar...

The specific place she was crossing is odd. It is absolutely not a pedestrian crossing point, but the path in the median forms an X whose ends abut the road. The irony is that the median had a “no pedestrian crossing, use crosswalk” sign that faces the sidewalk side of the road, but she was crossing from the reverse

I really feel like this is the wrong city to try this on right now. The Suns and Coyotes are already looking for new arena possibilities, and the Coyotes even had put together a handshake deal with ASU that would have provided a centrally-located arena with no muni bonds, and just a stadium district with tax rebates.

It’s just booked as a suite. You get 30 tickets for like $4,200-$7,500. Includes food. And yeah, it basically sells out every season.

Ugh, so the article doesn’t mention it, but Model S’s have fully electric rear interior door handles. If the two kids were in the back for instance, and the power to the vehicle shorted or went out in the fiery crash as I expect happened, the door handles wouldn’t work. Instead, you’re supposed to pull up the carpet

Christ where’s Tommy Lee Jones and some K-rails when you need ‘em?

I also feel like it’s priced accordingly for this. If replayability is purely down to optimization, I’m okay with $20. I’m about to get absolutely destroyed by the storm though...

Wait, merely dropping the ball while setting up is a balk? But... how? If the runners advance by stealing because it’s a live ball that the pitcher now has to bend down, pick up, and throw for the out... then fine. But an automatic advance in this case is... yeesh.

Tomorrow will always be Tuesday in this, our collective never-ending Infrastructure Week.

Nice, Buzz.

My white aunt has 4 adopted black children and got called out by them for using the darker emojis. In her mind, she was just being colorblind, or representing her mixed family or whatnot, but the boys had to explain “mom, you’re white, so you should use the ones that reflect that.”

They shot on location in Atlanta.

Exactly. Taking a stand and following your ethical principles is sometimes painful. That’s what makes it meaningful. That’s what stops societies from descending into “just taking orders”-ism.

Could’ve been worse. Could’ve been Manzi.