
The buzzer lockout is a cruel, cruel bitch. My episode airs on Tuesday. 250 ms lockout is tough. Lights light up on the side of the board when Alex stops speaking and the buzzers are open, but you try to JUMP that to get in JUST at the right moment, but in practice ALL of us spam the buzzer relentlessly just right

This game was just absolutely crazy, and the energy in Chase Field was fantastic. What a fun “game 7.”

My brother is on the PCT right now. He started southbound from right under the Canadian border back in late August. He made it most of the way through Washington, crossed the Bridge of the Gods (a week or so before it was basically engulfed in flames) and then took a bus 22 hours south to start back northbound on the

Let me tell you my fun story about this. I was on Jeopardy! And opera came up. Not great. (True story. Episode hasn’t aired yet.)

I’m friends with the owner of a large, local dildo manufacturer and, to put it politely, “he’s not just the president. he’s a member.” I have never once seen him wear something other than sweatpants. Never once.

Fuck, this is good.

Just for clarity, you overstate what Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle were paid. They were paid $20 million per special, with CR performing two and DC performing three. (Which, can we just talk about how fucking insane it is that anyone is being paid $20M for a one hour set to then be streamed and not resold on Netflix?

You want big? These guys got big:

My wife takes fenugreek to help with milk production. Makes the whole bathroom smell like maple syrup when she takes a piss.

A trademark is not the same as a patent. A patent is used to protect an idea and to give you exclusive rights to intellectual property, like a specific design or business process. A trademark is a reservation of a specific combination of words that you intend to use in a branding exercise, so that others can’t start a

It sure makes it harder to rebuff his favorite “failing New York Times” appellation.

*Stage left (directionality is from the performer’s point of view)

We prefer “late stage boxing.”

*The second time. The first time, he was a solid candidate with some interesting moderate conservative views.

To be fair, this has literally been the crime of Weekend Update for 25 years. The news bits are great. The bullshit interviews are just so painful, protracted, try-harding...

Man, came here to say exactly this. Even “Google Founder” instead of “Google Glass guy” would be more appropriate. What an odd appellation for the co-founder of literally one of the most important companies on the planet. Maybe we should dig into Raphael’s archive, find a shitty article, and call him the “Humble

It’s writing like this that won you that Pulitzer, Peggy.

Also: “censors,” not “sensors.” :-)

Oh man I love this question so much. It really reveals some insight in the mind of a coach and their approach and philosophy, and it’s relevant to the specific game as he prefaced it. Brilliant, in depth, and insightful as fuck. Shit.