
I solve this problem by only showering every couple of days. That’s a whole different argument, but my skin is already hell and I don’t need to make it worse by nuking it in a steam bath every 23 hours. I do re-apply deodorant daily, and it works really, really well. I’m also actually able to self-evaluate my own

My dog threw up ALL of his dinner in the back of the Tesla last weekend, fortunately all contained by the WeatherTech mat back there. Take it out, spray it down, good to go. I love WT.

You’re missing his point: you can’t charge your phone if it needs it while you’re plugged into lightning headphones.

Atlanta, kind of, sort of.

Our casual ask is “wanna have some fun?”

Could’ve at least added his trademark SAD! :-(

Corrao, of Orlando, was arrested on a charge of felony animal cruelty — a year and 15 days after his release from prison on charges that he shot and killed two chained dogs at point-blank range with a shotgun.

Pro-tip to making it amazing: Instead of milk, add one or two Kraft Singles slices and a heaping spoonful of margarine or butter. Shit will blow your mind. (And characters, instead of regular noodles. They taste better.)

About on par with the Dundees.

We danced to Only The Good Die Young... it’s kind of subversive in that funny sort of way, made better by the fact that wife is an ex-Catholic. Plus, it’s not a slow song.

We went with Only The Good Die Young. It was fun and fast enough, and wife used to be Catholic, so even funnier.

“How do you like it?” —The bull, probably

I mean, my wife’s ‘11 BMW will jam itself into park if it detects the driver has 1) unbuckled, 2) opened the door, 3) exited the vehicle, if the car is in gear. I’m not sure if it’ll do it in neutral, but I would suspect not?

That’s actually not the clip they’re referring to. The clip pops up in that video’s post-roll as the Cancer Excuse clip, which makes more sense in the context of the interview, though the one embedded here’s pretty funny anyway, and still pretty relevant.

August 11: Virginia prosecutors announce that DNA tests link Albert to the bite marks. Later DNA tests match Albert’s semen to the stains on Perhach’s underwear.

A whole article about baseball dirt and you don’t mention baseball mud?

Actually snorted when I got to this part.

Upon video review... no, not IMMEDIATELY, but holy shit, within about 15 seconds or so. Christ.

The video clip you’ve posted is edited, right? They’re not literally immediately answering these, are they?