
My wife got me seats on the glass two years ago so I brought my DSLR to the game. I was pretty pleased to snap this, though it’s just a run of the mill chip in into the corner. What an obnoxious sport to shoot cleanly. (Though I love that the puck is between me and the players, so Doughty, Doan, and Quick are all

Easy test: smell your fingers after you go to the bathroom. Does it smell like head cheese? No? Then fine, but remember when you feed yourself next where your fingers were, and how close to a stream of waste they were.

I never saw Avatar and having just watched the trailer, I remember why: nothing about that compelled me, and the weird Nav’i bullshit felt more like a protracted technical demo/proof of concept than something I’d want to sit through 2 hours of.

At the Museum of Jurassic Technology in LA (one of the weirdest places you could visit), they have an exhibit—a series of painted portraits of Soviet space dogs. Laika’s eyes make you sad.

Yep, this is exactly my approach. I work an office job and don’t really generate much odor, but I can also tell (some people have trouble gauging their own) and deodorant every day solves for that. I’m also able to wet my hair and reapply a bit of hair stuff to keep it in check, but my skin is already a nightmare

Just a point of clarification: autopilot will have a paywall/package you have to purchase. The hardware will come standard, and the software will support the autopilot safety features standard, not the convenience features. So, side and front collision warning and mitigation, yes, but not actual autopilot lane keeping

This is correct. Superchargers hit ~330 miles of charge/hr, slowing down as it goes, and the network is free. Destination chargers are typically paid, and the same as my high powered wall connector at home, 30 miles per hour of charge. You can hit more with dual chargers or on a Chademo DC charger, but those are rare.

It’s also not insignificant that all Tesla stores are manufacturer owned. That’s the real distinction: there aren’t “invoice prices” that the dealer can choose to mark their prices down under, and to my knowledge there isn’t traditional commissions for their employees, so that helps keep pricing consistent. More

Are Player’s Tribune pieces not pretty heavily ghost-written? I feel like they’re heavily ghost-written. Player sits down with their editors, tells their story, copywriter drafts it up, editor punches it up, player reviews and approves it.

Oof, this made me actually laugh out loud. Well played. +1

Can you please post the email?

But couldn’t you make that claim about literally anyone who commits any crime, ever? At what point is someone just evil, versus evil because of issues with their mental health? I’m asking because she could be a “flawed human being,” but aren’t people the sum of their mental health?

I never heard of this game and will probably never really get a chance to play it, but I bought it anyway because I loved the Harvest Moons so much and this looks like a Herculean effort by a single dev that I figure that sort of thing should be supported. And man, I’m going to try to play it, if I can drag myself

My insurance agent was really too excited to tell me that Northwestern pays out for suicide after just one year, and not two years, like many underwriters. So, it’s not always an exclusion.

In all fairness, and not to get all CSI, but the monitor doesn’t even appear to be on in this shot. Note the lack of a glow on Matt Damon’s dreamy face, or in the reflection behind him. #wakeupsheeple

Love it or List It took place exclusively in Toronto for the first half dozen years or so, too.

They actually have both diving and embellishment. Embellishment is this kind of hammy overacting to get the ref’s attention for a perhaps-real slight against you. Diving is just being an idiot trying to draw a penalty on nothing.

They introduced a pretty complicated fine system attached to repeated dive/embellishments, first at the player level, but then it trickles up to the coach, which is doing a nice job of helping curtail that behavior.

This is a real tough situation. I think that Bettman knew that setting a precedent that being concussed voids any responsibility for a player to comport themselves properly is a dangerous thing, and this hit is so vicious that he couldn’t run the risk of losing the support of his officiating corps.

P90DL S max is also 155.