
Mine is an unpopular opinion in these parts, but I really intensely hated Firefly. The suspension of disbelief issue was real for me. I struggled with the “old western” aesthetic coupled with space tech and blasters and the like. I think the other part that frustrated me was that nearly every episode felt like the

“There’s this new thing called ‘situational awareness’?”

You also don’t want to plug a Tesla into a temporary supercharger in Norway by the looks of it...

Although it doesn’t look like much in the video, I was terrified.

On the matter of lead poisoning in our water supply, Trump was later heard complaining that, like America, our water has gone soft.

Now playing

Note to self: If I have a daughter for the love of God do not let her play clarinet or saxophone.

Oh man, I had this happen yesterday. Been driving new MS for the past two weeks, hopped into my old ICE to go get it washed and took my foot off the gas and was like “shit, need to actually stop”. It’s amazing how quickly you get used to the heavy regen stopping power and start building your driving habits around

So I almost didn’t believe this, and then looked it up and sure enough: Air Vents in Leather: $1,720. Air Vent Slats in Leather: $1,200, if you want to save a few bucks. But I think you missed out on the dare-I-say more criminally ridiculous: Fuse Box Covers in Leather for only $390.

So, what, somewhere out there is a tech/gadget blog that might try to figure out how this works and report on it by way of creating content, but this isn’t that tech/gadget blog?

This is better if you watched Road to the Winter Classic.

So I don’t watch a lot of futbol... is pulling your goaltender all the way up for a corner kick something teams do frequently?

Upon further review, the ruling on the field is satire.

Candace, or Jerry?

Erm, that’s the success rate of a project funding, not the success of a funded project delivering.

I’m surprised Bob Parsons didn’t materialize and take care of that problem for you!

How many DVRs does Burke have set up? You guys should do a behind the scenes of the insanity of having all these games recorded and ready to clipify.

They have a whole channel on NHL.com. They take this shit seriously and they’re instructive to fans, players, and staff alike. I really appreciate that they publish these.

Thank you for this. The MLB clip missing the location call really crimps the mirth. Even more impressive that it’s the first pitch.

Something similar happened once with Mark Grace as color man for the Dbacks, but he doesn’t remember it.

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