
“The ‘switch’ senses whether the vehicle is being tested or not based on various inputs including the position of the steering wheel, vehicle speed, the duration of the engine’s operation, and barometric pressure. These inputs precisely track the parameters of the federal test procedure used for emission testing for

He probably smells fantastic.

Will call isn’t an “inefficient process,” but a bare minimum core service the team should provide so fans can pick up the tickets they paid the team for. Some people don’t have easy access to printers or smart phones for their tickets, and some people like the souvenir of a physical ticket.

Fucking brav-o. +1

“Over a matter of EIGHTY DOLLARS?!?”

It’s not a claim, it’s fact. Tesla relies significantly on the $7,500 federal tax credit to significantly subsidize the Model S. SolarCity relies significantly on the 30% solar tax credit (which you assign to them when you lease panels) to make themselves cost competitive. SpaceX’s only client right now is the Federal

This. Entourage was a guilty pleasure. This is just... guilty. It’s not... bad. It’s worse than bad: it’s milquetoast. It’s boring. I used to be amused at how little got done in a given episode of Entourage, but Ballers is taking that to a whole new level.

I believe the subtext is “men are horndogs who will try to mount anything that moves.”

My wife has Paraguard simply because after 17+ years of hormonal BC, she was done. It’s primary modality is that it changes the pH to make things very hospitable, with the copper simply shedding ions. Installation was unpleasant and quite crampy for her, and she has some nasty cramps since she’s in the first 3-6 month

Some form of Stockholm Syndrome, essentially?

This... is unlikely. Bettman wants a team in Vegas, but he’s indicated time and again that the preferred approach for that is a $500M expansion fee. The relocation fee would be significantly lower, would result in abandoning the nation’s 12th largest TV market just as there’s some real momentum to hockey in the state,

No, best case scenario is them moving back to Phoenix proper, where the fanbase could actually make it to games on weeknights.

I’m still wondering how the Coyotes couldn’t claim a material breach on the part of drunken-wife-cheating-partier-and-all-around-creep Mike Ribeiro. Missing practices, missing flights, fighting with coaches, horrible performance, heavy alcohol and drug usage... and we buy him the fuck out so that he can get his shit

To be fair, Paris/France are widely regarded as generally fucking up coffee:

2 isn’t Jesus? I was hoping it was Jesus.

I keep thinking that about Dick Cheney, whose heart has personally tried to murder him no fewer than five times. And here we still are.

So... the sensor is rectangular. The phone is rectangular. The sensor and the phone are aligned in their orientation. If you were to rotate the sensor so that the default would be landscape mode, we’d have the inverse problem: people rotating their phones for photos (to use the full screen, for composition) or videos

RO filtration takes out fluoride without the continued expense and insane waste of bottled water, or recurring delivery fees. It’s actually incredibly cost effective and the water tastes amazing.

Both of these were my only feedback on this list. Diana was a complete snooze. That episode with mostly here was like this interminable hate-fuck of television. I couldn’t understand why whyyyyyy she was on screen. Bad acting, bad dialogue, boring character, no arc, no point, totally stupid. What a waste.

If the plane is not powered down regularly between flights, its generator systems could switch into fail-safe mode, which would cut all AC electrical power. That could happen even if the plane were mid-air.