
I took this shot of Shane Doan. It's a frequent habit of his, but capturing it perfectly like this really made my wife's xmas present of glass seats awesome:

Your mistake, good sir, is assuming commenters read your articles. You should know better by now.

So... business as usual for Comcast users?

Like families, we have used tough love in the past

Awww, the laughing, it hurts my sides.

If you're a paying customer, you'll have no problem contacting them and informing them your unit has mysteriously stopped working and could they send a technician, no?

God I was so hoping they would come out with an X+1 and update the X. The form factor is literally perfect. It is the perfect phone. Any bigger and I'll go insane. I have big hands, but this phone fits perfectly everywhere. It's the best phone I've ever owned, and I DON'T NEED A FIVE FUCKING INCH SCREEN ON SOMETHING I

Isn't it pretty clear he's trying to dump his cell phone out of his pockets?

"I NEED OBSTACLES I HAVE NO WILL POWER." is fantastic. It should be a bumper sticker.

It'll be gorilla glass still, v3 or whatever. Sapphire for watch faces and home buttons.

So barring death or natural disaster, if you want to cancel Comcast, you better get comfortable—you're in it for the long haul.

What the fuck are you even on about? It's not snark, it's a statement of fact: the razor is only being produced with branding for men right now. As in, Gillette hasn't made a Venus version of the razor. It's not snark. It's a statement of fact.

Specifically, butt stuff is for BEFORE marriage. PIV is for Jesus to approve of. Butt sex, no need to wait for a piece of paper from the state! (I had a friend who essentially went with this approach.)

They're delightful characters in small doses. I wouldn't build a show around them. At all.

This isn't a particularly popular opinion on these internets, but I hated Firefly. I hated the camp, which tried to skirt the line between on the nose and just barely over the top, and didn't know where to land. I couldn't suspend disbelief enough to go along with "THEY'RE LIKE FRONTIERSMEN IN THE OLD WEST WITH

It doesn't matter, even if it requires dual party consent. The calling system declares that the call is recorded, which is protection enough.

Just biting.

Hockey also forces the player who lost the scoring chance to take the penalty, whereas apparently in soccer, you can pick your favorite. Hockey is basically the ultimate, faster, more fun, expert form of soccer.

It's good to hear he apologized, but I thought he recovered pretty well even in the initial interview. And I don't really think asking a dude about his "lucky lady" is some sort of homophobic affront, I thought you parried it very well and kept a good sense of humor. Mostly, I'm annoyed at Timothy Burke for thinking