
Yeah, this isn't something to "fix". It's the sensor panel for the watch. (It's clearly visible as a different element in the other photos up above.) I think you'd come to not really notice it.

Goals scored.

I get concentric circles of color, starting from the inside, it's a ring about 2-3 wide of blue, then 3 of green or beige, then 4-5 of red, then 2 of beige-green, then 3-4 of blue, 3-4 of beige, 4-5 of red, 3-4 of beige, and 2-3 of blue.

When is Dropcam going to come up with an outdoor-safe version? I can't believe they don't have that yet.

Oh god I actually snorted at this.

What's funny is waypoint-along-route was one of the big features in the very first release of Google Maps, or at least the first release that had turn-by-turn. It got kiboshed over time, but it definitely needs to come back.

Indeed, there was Too Much Man:

"Guilders" was her saying her (late) husband wouldn't have flown for even 100,000 guilders. I'm guessing he passed before they switched to the Euro.

To be fair, they're not America's team. They're NATIVE America's team, so we had this coming.

I always thought "remind me to spend some good time with you" was a weird turn of phrase, which I just chalked up to Phoenix being French, but I didn't know there was literature on the topic. For some reason, to my ear, "We're up all night for good fun" rings less "Francophile idiosyncrasy" and more like a British

But this is Deadspin. You always read the full comment to hit the payoff. I literally chuckled "worth it" when I finished the comment.

More like ASU grad, amirite?

"Watching". Dammit, kinja.

Now playing

Jesus. Looks like that riot cop has been watch Andrew Luck tape:

Is there anywhere you can go where there isn't an Apple Store nearby?

This is correct, and the source of the confusion. Looks like it's been corrected.

Because literally no one would be recommending a trip to Organ Stop for the pizza. It is nearly criminal in its awfulness.

Located in the Arabika Massif, of the Western Caucasus in Abkhazia, Georgia, it extends for 13,432 kilometers (8,346 miles.)

I had this same sort of thought, but I think that Tim gets it right here, and you can literally see it in the eyes of every single player on the ice in the clip: NO one wants to play any more hockey.

The simple reason you'll hear is that because it will absolutely murder a team's chances if they're on the eve of a back-to-back, especially with travel. We've seen playoffs go to 3 OT periods. That's like pitching into the 16th inning. Except that instead of merely destroying your bullpen and possibly burning another