
I think they "illuminate" the path in the sense of them identifying where the path is, not... so much... what's on the path.

They'll disclose if it's a cash-only offer, but typically the breakdown of down payment isn't necessarily disclosed. If it's a cash-only offer, they may be inclined to take it as it indicates there won't be underwriting problems and other loan approval issues that could cost them another month or more.

(Edit, just saw someone else already commented this. Sorry.) What? The ENTIRE amount goes to the seller. You're buying the house from them, so you need to pay for the ENTIRE house up front, that's why you get a mortgage. The mortgage amount is wired directly to them, and you pay your lender back for the loan over

I've always perceived Wes Anderson films as masturbatory hipster drivelfests that bore in their relentlessly forced pursuit of contrived, asinine "adventures" with characters predictable in their skin deep quirkiness and constant hewing to the Anderson Mean. From the trailer, Grand Budapest Hotel appears to represent

"1 tsp Cream of Tartar"

Yeah, came here to say the same. It's extremely distracting.

This is also not not true. They updated it to significantly align it to match Gmail a few weeks ago.

I think it's pretty obvious this was really an ad touting the iPhone 5S's superior battery life, no?

MacBook Air.

I'd like to see Southwest make their free TV offering work on Android tablets. It's already working for iOS, presumably using HTML 5 video, so I'm really not sure why it's not able to work on Android yet, but that's a bit of a frustration, since I have to bring out my MBA to watch TV.

This was the plot of the first (or second) season of The Shield. Sort of.

99% of Americans? How about 99% of Seahawks fans? I mean, unless you're watching a ton of post-game material, and even then, just how much are you picking up on what the players sound like?

Is this reference something I'd need to have bad taste in TV to understand?

Beautiful, dark, deep, nutty rice that will enchant your very senses. And which should be ranked higher.

Yeah, this is obnoxious. I thought it was going to make Google Now the LEFTMOST screen, and that you could arbitrarily add screens left and right of center. I've had to dance around a bit to account for this. Dumb.

Just wait until Offline Play becomes an in-game purchase...

It was definitely discussed:

Now playing

Meh. Not as pleasant to listen to, nor nearly as impressive as Smooth McGroove's rendition.

My wife is a nurse who has prepared and performed fecal transplant enemas. It's really down to the SOP of a given facility, and what they think is the best approach. I've actually never heard of it through a tube down the throat, but always as an enema. Which, gun to my head, I'm going to take, so that I don't have to