
Haha, I like that you pick one of the highest draw small devices as your example with a toaster. Maybe if we get great wireless power or Asimovian "atomics" for batteries, we'll get a wireless toaster, but man, there's a fair amount of current running through them to get your bread toasted.

Oh my god I did it reflexively even before I read this comment. 'Murrica.

Wow. Even reading the back story on Vanderjagt's temper and other run-ins with silliness, this story is nothing but redemption for him. Even the text message is a measured, polite response, from a guy in a situation where most people would be losing their fucking shit.

Not *no* reason... up north where I go relatively often, there's 0 service on TMO. The wife is on TMO, I was on TMO for a good long time, and honestly, I really enjoyed them. But I also had hugely patchy 3G for a good long time even where I lived, and up north, it's still literally zero service at all.

Silly sentiment, thinking the new Nexus will be available on Big Red... (I'm a sadly suffering VZW customer considering the One or the Moto X but wishing the new Nexus would come out on Verizon...)

Haha. The original window for 134 called for an 11:30pm RSS retraction that then got stormed over like crazy. That led to us having to go home, the press staying for several more hours, and then the press getting to see it.

Yep. 134's tweetup. First attempt scrubbed so this was RSS retraction about 3 weeks later for the actual launch. Sigh.

Awww, that's Endeavour. I got pretty close to her before her final launch:

I appreciate that, I just kind of expected it in the article. It's also apparently a great deal faster and uses HTML 5 instead of Flash for the apps, so that's worth noting.

So wait, what's new and different about this than the current TiVo Premieres on the market, besides the fact that one of the models offers 6 tuners?

I had this exact thought, but I think that you're going to be doing your resale value a disservice with certain color options anyway, so, might as well? (Though weird colors can find a buyer... you're not going to buy a phone with someone else's name engraved.)

On my first night with the new N7, I definitely noticed erratic touchscreen issues with it taking a few ms to register a touch, or it sometimes dropping a touch, but I haven't really seen it again (and I was testing using a multi touch app, to make sure I wasn't going crazy).

I think I've heard it used at Chase Field as a "rev up the crowd" sound before, but man that's hilarious.

Man, I've had this exact thought about Limer's profile picture. In fact, the Germans have a specific word for this: Backpfeifengesicht.

At least they were able to do what the District Attorney of Eagle County, Colorado couldn't manage to get done:

We then did amazing things to wire it up seamlessly. There's a 4-gang electrical outlet and internet drop immediately next to the mount, and we used velcro wire ties and velcro tape to route the cables with just enough slack. That's an Asus eeePC and an AppleTV mounted with a shit-ton of velcro to the back of it.

We bought the VideoSecu articulating mount for our 50" LCD TV in our conference room. It's absolutely amazing: you can pull the TV out a full 12"+ inches from the wall, or tilt and swivel it, which is great if you want to, say, have it face your kitchen, or tilt it away from glare windows.

Yeah, he nearly had his leg already in stride by the time Hudson's ankle appeared under it and you can see him instantly realize "shit something has gone terribly wrong." No one wants to cause that sort of injury and there was just literally NO room on the bag. Young handled it well by staying out the whole time.

I have a special relationship with that clock. Proposed to my now-wife in front of it: