
A better title for his book should have been First Round Exit.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

Those who can’t do, coach. Those who can’t coach, coach the Rams.

“Hey John, you’re not a football coach, have no ties to the San Francisco 49ers, never met Colin Kaepernick, never dealt with the San Francisco or Santa Clara police, have probably (I’m assuming) never been harassed by the police nor have had a family member or friend harassed by the police, coach a sport whose

(She’s blushing because she knows she’s saying egregiously racist shit, and her residual conscience is fighting a rear guard action against her desire to get a slot on Fox News)


I only wish Mr. Kaepernick we as police officers, ostensibly dedicated civil servants, could see the emotional and psychological challenges that our officers citizens in the communities we are entrusted to serve face following a fatal encounter with the worst of our officer representatives, in addition to daily

Lots of teams have stupid mottos and slogans but only Seattle pays rent to Texas for theirs. Idiots.

Dock Ellis, 1971 World Series champion.

If General William Tecumseh Sherman would have done a better job, we wouldn’t have to witness this yearly March to Seven and Nine.

That haircut is business in the back, Megan’s Law in the front.

Which is why it’s crazy that Donny promotes deportation and Muslim-watches and shit and all his supporters are like yeah! It’s about time! When we’ve BEEN doing that shit. These people can’t even be bothered to pick up a local paper for 5 minutes. Cuts into their angry Facebook rambling time, y’know?

Tebow bemoans the fact that “rumors” travel so fast

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

Also, congratulations to republican and businesswoman, Carly Fiorina, who just cut the overhead of the Cruz campaign by 100%. That’s how you turn around a company!

You’ve got a nice, crisp Tubman coming your way some day.

He was really smart to be born the son of a guy who owned a team, died, and left it to him. That’s first class business acumen right there.

Mock Jim Tomsula ALL you want. Dude had his contract paid off when he was fired. He made $14-million for coaching one miserable year of football. Do you know how much Costco instant mashed potatoes $14-million buys? Jim Tomsula does!

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.