
I also saw an older man slowly throw up into his backpack. The train was absolutely packed so he couldn’t have moved if he wanted to. He just slowly kept dumping more bile all over his own belongings. Honestly, it was one of the most chivalrous acts I’ve ever seen.

I like how they are no longer even pretending that “redskins” isn’t offensive and are now going down the “everyone else does it!” route. Good luck with that!

If he was in fact on a game reserve, that bird was captive and pen raised until about a week ago. Dick Cheney used to pheasant “hunt” at a $1000+/day reserve near where I grew up where you practically need to kick the bird to get it to flush. Nothing like a wild bird.

Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.

It looks like Jerry Jones was right. Hardy really did add an extra dementia to this team.

You went to Best Buy? There’s your mistake. Should have gone to the outlet mall in Ogdenville. Could have got a genuine SORNY.

I am Scott - 3rd reader letter down the list.

The team is now claiming it was an indirect attempt to honor the Native American tradition of bartering.

i know several women in confederate states who also would pick cousins over a black man

To me it feels really disappointing and inappropriate that Dan Snyder is talking on an Iphone 6 instead of this phone:

Just like the real Jesus.

The more astute readers might remember this bit from last year:

My problem with the Eagles is that I always feel that, no matter how much I hate them, I just can’t hate them as much as they deserve.

Classic Eagles fan

As a Washington fan, my favorite part of football season used to be the preseason, for the simple pathetic fact that I could get some beers, sit back, and actually enjoy the games, because they didn’t count, so it didn’t matter whether they won or lost. (Second favorite part? December, when Washington is long out of

Based on everyone’s reactions to Dez, Geno, and Janay, only in the NFL are you responsible when someone else punches you in the face.

While searching for a way to make this Dan Synder’s fault, I realized something: this is all Dan Synder’s fault.

If your implication is that Alex Smith is the refrigerated mayo of professional athletes, I concur.

I can forgive Craig James for killing those 5 hookers. But I will never forgive him for getting Mike Leach fired.