
Oh yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to call you out or anything. I just never recall these being a Cuban thing while living in Miami, and I only learned about these while living in California — it’s really the only place other than Mexico I’ve been where they’re popular.

Jesus..im sorry. As the son of a racist, ahole father i feel your pain.

You’re probably right on that one because the first ones that pop up on real estate sites are actually in the MILLIONS for a 2/3 bedroom apartment so it wouldn’t surprise me that $950k is the median. Go on kellerwilliams and they’re all 700k + (likely in the unsavory areas you mentioned). I have a coworker whose son


That sounds promising. Perhaps you should offer to run a training course.

Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.

I live on the other side of the planet, so I probably won’t ever get to try (which, for the record, I would, I try everything I can, always, and at least there isn’t a snake or a toe or some shit in that bottle... )
But in any way, the way everyone of you that has tried it describes it here is not very appealing...
a “so

You misunderstand. The White House coronavirus task force is a task force working FOR the coronavirus. So far it has been the most successful initiative of the Trump Administration.

Jesus Camp is a special kind of terrifying. Make it a double feature with the current Supreme Court nominee hearings. Dear Lord.

JAX. They’re probably regional but they’re delicious. I like the fact that they’re not all one uniform size so if you pick and choose the smaller ones every once in a while you can make yourself believe that the calories are inconsequential.

The Time-Out Chicken Cheddar Biscuit would like a word:

Well that right there is just a long term ploy for the hospital to get its money back from employees right there.

It does seem a little on the nose, though, as Trump surely has the nihilist vote locked up by now.

There are so many geek-out moments in the Marvel flicks, but the airport fight might be the biggest for me.

First, we get Spider-Man as we know and love him.

Second, there are so many great line readings. From Bucky’s annoyed “You couldn’t have done that earlier?” to Clint’s “Made you look” to Tony’s dry “OK, does

What exactly is the question that William felt people had “never even dreamed of asking”? And how is Westworld the answer, with the addition of his huge construction project/greatest mistake/potential humanity-destroying weapon?

My feeling is that I don’t want to date anyone who would take a clarifying conversation as “neediness” or “insecurity.” To me that signals someone who won’t be able to show up emotionally the way I expect a partner to show up (and who is pretty immature and/or buys into misogynistic ideas about relationships and

And I love your screen-name, too. Stealing.

I puked a little I’m laughing so hard at this.