
I always relate Tab with a graduate student of my mother’s.  She was from a very rich family and wore all of the stylish clothes of the early ‘80's and drank nothing but Tab.  I wasn’t allowed to listen to rock music and she used to give me records on the sly.  Styx, Asia, Duran Duran, Def Leppard.  I thought she was

Funny Games is great too.  I felt that The Strangers was more Halloween-y with the use of masks and such, whereas Funny Games plays anytime.

When I was a resident in the early 00's, Fresca had just come out with their cherry and peach variants. There was an ICU nurse who would leave me a 12 pack of Fresca every time she knew I would be on (in a motherly way, not a romantic way), so I have a big heart for Fresca even now.

Trying not to repeat things other folks have said...

I once ruined a party with Dogfish Head Fort. It’s just a little raspberry beer, everyone loves fruit beers. Didn’t realize it was 17% ABV.

That’s like Sam Adam’s Utopias.  It drinks much more like a cognac than a beer.  I’ve had it a couple times and like it fine, but would never drop the $$$ necessary to actually own a bottle.

Makes you wonder if Melissa’s heart is not in the show right now, understandably.

I’m in charge of recruiting fellows into a training program in a competitive medical subspecialty (meaning they are folks who have graduated from either MD or DO school and then completed 3 years of internal medicine training). While I eye folks who have gone to DO school with a little more skepticism than some MD

When Walmart brought back Planter’s Cheez Balls a couple years ago, a guy on a secondary whiskey market offered a bottle of Elmer T Lee for 25 cans of Cheez Balls.

Their honey cheese curls are crazy good

I have a small whisky tasting group and two of the guys would absolutely not meet anywhere that wasn’t outside. Whipping out bottles of scotch in a public park wasn’t exactly the way we wanted to go, so we just agreed to virtual meetings until one of us that lives in an apartment with a roofdeck was allowed to use it

Medical school is very similar.  Everyone wants you to think they come from some hardscrabble background, but then you find out both of their parents are doctors or something.  When I started fellowship, I told one of my co-fellows that dollar-per-dollar I was making more money than either of my parents ever made, and

How about Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen?

You’d be surprised. I worked at North Carolina Memorial Hospital, which is the flagship of UNC, back at the turn of the millennium, and for a while, after 2PM, the only thing to eat in the whole building was Wendy’s.  NPR even came and did a story about it.

I work in a hospital and one of the weird things that has happened since we more most deep in the COVID nightmare is that our vending machines are now full of junk food.  Last year, there was a push to replace the usual chip and candy bar items with ‘healthy’ snacks like granola or nuts.  Now, there are oreo brownies

Wasn’t Mountain Dew originally invented to be mixed with bourbon?

While I haven’t delved super far into agave spirits, I have been enjoying a few bottles of raicilla more than most mezcal I’ve come across.  I know that raicilla has historically gotten a bad rap, but La Venenosa is putting out some great expressions.  

Even when we have the chance to use that might, we don’t. Medicare Part D is straight up theft. While our government provides a drug plan for seniors, the law restricts the government’s ability to negotiate prices, so we are paying full price for every drug that is being sold through Medicare Part D. The only reason

I’m in the same boat. I have started The Umbrella Company, Locke and Key, Perry Mason, Dark, The Witcher, The Outsider etc but have only made it through a handful of episodes with little follow through. I did make it through the first full season of Stranger Things, but my brain is like, “well, that’s enough of that”

I don’t know why you’d assume anyone in this day and age has brains and is capable of reasoning.