Disgruntled Texans Fan

I feel so bad for Liana too. She just started at GI not too long ago, and I’ve really liked her presence there so far. And it’s not like she even actually said anything “bad” about the game, just that you might want to be careful. She actually goes out of her way to give people advice on what they can do to keep

It’s worth mentioning that the mechanic that can potentially induce a seizure is specifically based off a diagnostic tool meant to cause seizures. You also cannot avoid this mechanic; it’s required to complete the game.

So more like “real-time Into the Breach”? Sold.

I’m anxiously waiting for the last episode of “Developing Hell” from NoClip. It’s been fascinating watching what went into the development of the game and the studio. It probably won’t be out for a while (and I’d love an epilogue once award season is over), but otherwise it gets my recommendation.

Where are you dying most often?

Are you open to playing on God Mode? It just makes you harder to kill every time you fail.

Great great stuff! I was going to say character art in this game is out of this world, but make it "all the art in this game is our of this world". Love it. 

Jen’s art is just fucking delicious. I don’t often get jealous of super talented people who are infinitely better at something than anyone else but, good God, it’s infuriating how good she is.

Omg the one about 1/2 the way down, the pic of the starting area of Asphodel - that one literally made my heart jump because it has like 5 fishing points! Jesus I would kill for that many fishing points in one area! Lol

Not only is Athena my waifu, she’s STUPIDLY OP for runs you want to survive in. That dash-deflect is top tier boon.

Hades gets its gods right by being incredibly hot

Well, I guess they don’t understand much about his policies. He wants to raise all their taxes.

Or maybe you don’t know what his policies are because raising taxes on poor/middle class people is not one of them.

Is it really so unfathomable to Americans that people can vote for increased taxes on themselves when those taxes make sense?

Apparently, Emily Gordon replied on Instagram with a simple “Worth it.”

Why does anyone work a job they don't like? Because they have to to pay rent and eat

we all must learn to like new things, for stagnation rots the brain.

How do you know one of the new Pokemon won’t become a favorite though? You’re throwing out an entire game because one Pokemon isn’t in it?

Yo dude, Cere has her face modeled on a real person who uh... looks like that. So good job being just a TREMENDOUS racist up in here.

Ok boomer.

How I know you actually played the game: