Disgruntled Texans Fan

So much about the art is great! One of my favorite details is how expressive they are able to make the conversations with minimal animation from the characters. The added visual effects paired with the slightly varied character art really go a long way. I hit 100 hours this week and do not plan on stopping anytime

Thanks for all of your time and effort at Compete/Kotaku!

Like a less version of Joker’s Trick

Cadence of Hyrule!

Excellent article Jason!

I really hope Titan fights get tweaked in the near future. They should be a fun challenge to conquer with your friends in Freeplay mode. Instead, I have to insist that we just keep flying past them till the next World Event instances. I keep getting caught in a string of overheating events that is just not fun at all,

I had a lot of fun with it on day one! I miss wall running, but the guns feel just as good as they do in Titanfall 2.

I am sad

Bye Kirk!

I tried to lasso the legendary boar and it drug mearound for about thirty yards!

Goose brats are delicious!

I only spent a few hours with the beta, but marking enemies seems to be impossible unless using the recon binoculars?

Man From UNCLE and Mission Impossible Fallout are very good Cavill movies!


This wouldn’t happen at a bean bag tournament.

He’s perfect!

Some of the artists that I listen to have a playlist of what they’re listening to on Spotify. That has helped me find some stuff I never would have on my own.

The game director made several direct comparisons to the US political environment when announcing the game. If he had just shut up and said this is your standard, wacky Far Cry game, then I don’t think it would be an issue. Instead, he opened the door for critics to further evaluate an existing flaw in 3 and 4.

Sweet Baby Ray’s and Stubb’s are my go-to grocery store sauces. I am very pleased with this list!

The’re so fun though!