
32 here, and I think most of my cohort suffers from the same problem!

Good point on the timing. I suffer from thinking that the 90s were ten years ago anyway!

Yup, I've decided to keep using it, no matter how stale it gets. :D

"he makes you promise not to tell your two drunk friends who've been yelling out quotes from Doctor Who all night."

Is there any evidence of FAS rates going up, though? The CDC data show that alcohol use among women (pregnant or not) has held pretty steady, and is down among pregnant women (after a high in the mid 90s (note: the chart shows reported alcohol use from 1991-2005, and is from the CDC page linked above)).

This is going to be good...

"I wouldn't wanna eat off of someone's face."

It's been a long day, which might explain why:

Good to know...I've stopped at the first wet cat. :-/

I thought freezing to death was a (relatively) nice way to go! You get confused and sleepy, and forget that you're cold.

"I think you mean Nice, France?"

I really hope this is effective, but if the process isn't handled better than any of my workplace sexual harassment (prevention) training, I'm imagining a lot of sumo wrestling going on.

Phew! I've had this problem since I was a kid. I read more than I talk, so sometimes find out I've been pronouncing something wrong for years. Nice, Italy...I'm looking at you here.

I reference the Bechdel test all the time and have gifted Bechdel's books in the past, but this seems like a good place to ask: am I pronouncing her name correctly? BECK-dell?

Pfft, I use my Pinterest account for tattoo pictures. I'll bet that there are a lot of people using the site for non-stereotypical uses like that, too, so I'm glad you acknowledge that. :-)

The takeaway you mention is great (This research is the first to document the extent to which exposure may impact women's genital dissatisfaction and more needs to be done to promote awareness and education around genital diversity in our society.").

Completely sidestepping the annoying family communication issues, but have you considered selling your gift cards online? You'll lose around 10-15% of the value of the card if you convert it to cash, but avoiding the annoyance might be worth it.

OH, sassy snap!

My 2013 shame? Not appreciating the "doge" deal until it was already passe. Perhaps my 2014 resolution should be to spend less time outdoors and more time reading the internets.