Disenfranchised Republican

Furthering the counterpoint: Give him all the coke and a Taiwanese Hooker.

The shorter answer may be what ISNT wrong with him.

Mexico City Stonewallers

Rio Dumpster Fires

Or the Washington Shutdowns.

Stockholm Syndromes

Worked at walmart as a cashier. we were told to card everyone if we even had ANY suspicion they might not be of age.

But you can attempt a degree of CYA that would hold up a hell of a lot more in court with a good lawyer and only get hit for soliciting the prostitute than underage/statutory and, in this case, potentially child porn.

Even if he skates with the underage shit, he unwittingly made child pornography and all that jazz...they may very well just charge him on that and ride the rest because they can do more damning things to him through that route.

Or original TFC for Halflife1, the game that also had another mod called NeoTF that added more features to the game. Namely Engineers who needed friendly units to touch things like poles to turn into specific turrets (Rocket turrets, grenade turrets, flame turrets, etc) so one engineer could actually could fortify

Have someone rape the child rapiwt? Nah man...hes gonna have an asshole the size of a grapefruit and the deepthroat skills of a porn star. He will be worn thinner than a threadbare blanket.

Make it last past ten...whiffle ball bats the first time up, then balsa wood bat, then a sock em bopper inflatable boxing glove, then standard bats.

The only commercial that comes with a parental advisory next Super Bowl. $5 footlong, guaranteed as big as this (Puts dick next to sandwich) or your money back.

Talk about Phildelphia Cream Cheese...

When you have to coil it in circles thw rumors may have a vein of truth in it.

And also have Collosial job security. Name his price contract at any qb deficient team and retiring from the NFL for a lucrative porn career.

self driving cars that arent able to be dropped out of autodrive cant come.soon enough....i.e. the interstate Trolly syatem

Or at least...not be potentially intoxicated...

He also underthrew Gronk on a few occasions and misses quite a few open shots. He did get rushed and smacked early on so I don’t blame him. Once he got going though in the second half I was thinking...fuck...its almost like last year. Was glad to see a damn good game that the Pats lost.

How about water flavored? Cant get much more tasteless.