
My kids look like my husband. Who is their step-dad. Once we were at the airport waiting for his bags, and a man was kinda staring at all of us, and I finally asked why and he just said “I’m trying to figure out who the kids look more like.” I laughed and said “Me.” and he said “I’m not so sure.” And, my husband said

My husband loves to match too. We’ve finally compromised. I pick what I want to wear, and he gets to pick something similar or coordinating, but, not too matchy. When it’s pointed out, I like to pretend to be shocked “Oh! You’re right. Crazy! We DO match. How weird!” you can’t do that if the look is identical. 

I have a top denture, and when they were making it, I could go with exact replicas of my teeth, braces straight, or absolutely perfect. I could also get the real color, white, or brilliant white. I went with braces straight and white, and have never regretted it a moment. They can make more realistic looking teeth,

My husband and I only live together 2-3 days a week. He works out of town the rest of the time. We’re going on 10 yrs this year, and it has worked out really well so far. Last year he was looking at getting a new job, and we discussed it and agreed that a local job really wasn’t gonna work for either of us. He was

I like to hike where there are swimming holes. I have a pool, as do most my friends, and, I love water parks. So, my strategy is to hit the clearance racks and buy any pieces in my size. So, I have this huge mismatched collection of swimsuit pieces. I’m probably considered too fat to wear two piece swimsuits, but, I

My pro-life sister keeps getting pregnant. And, keeps miscarrying. I think she’s it’s happened 6 or 7 times now. If every life is sacred, then is there the potential that eventually this will be criminalized, you are creating life, KNOWING it is going to die?

1: I have purposely avoided owning guns, because I know myself and my own brain and don’t trust myself not to use a gun...on myself. So, what here, basically I should increase my chances of successfully killing myself or risk rape?

My parents called one Thanksgiving to remind me to be thankful my husband puts up with my shit. That was the last I really heard from them because it was the final straw to make me block them where ever possible. 

Tangentially related, I hav multiple sclerosis. I am fortunate that I have decent health insurance, but, it’s still an expensive disease. So, we can’t pay off every visit in full. We talked to the office, and we were put on a payment plan, and we make the payments and slowly make a dent in the balance owed.

Yeah, I’m 34. I have a 15, almost 16 yr old. Maybe he’d like to read the book instead?

Yeah, I was recently ghosted by a guy I’d been seeing for a year. Ghosting isn’t just something that happens on a one night stand.

Yeah, once I got a tattoo on my thigh.Its slightly visible in shorts, but, you can’t see the whole thing unless I’m in underwear/naked/pull my shorts way up. My cousin asked about my new tattoo, said he could only see the bottom of it in the picture. I kinda jokingly was like “yeah, it’s because I have shorts on” and


My mom tried to pose a family photo once of us kids on one of those tables. I still have a scar on my leg from the table breaking. At the time it was scary, but in reality, it was just a couple cuts on my knee. 

Meanwhile, next door in Indiana, I had to listen to the heartbeat before I could get an abortion. Which is it?

We’re looking for a new car, and my husband wants a Wrangler SO MUCH. We used to have one and he’s regretted getting rid of it every day since. He misses the community. And, my 6 ft tall 12 yr old is begging us for something with more leg room instead.

you picked the wrong birds to not fear. They are MEAN!

I do realize that. You do realize this is a whole thread of making assumptions about other people’s parenting choices, when you don’t know any of the reasons? People are giving reasons (sick kid), and having them deemed worthy enough to use a stroller. There are a million reasons, and unless you are chasing down moms

“Abuse and neglect”...wow. For a 5 yr old in a stroller.

I wonder if the rules are different for different parks, or if they just aren’t enforced unless somebody complains. We always go to frightfest in GA, and I got kissed on the top the head by a scarecrow thing, and my kids snuck up behind a zombie, started him, yelled “tag, you’re it.” and took off, and he chased them