
I think I noticed I was on the wrong episode when they were talking about Quinn being pregnant. I was like "WHAT?"

I did the same thing.. Lol

Even I agree the finale doesn't make sense, that particular part was kind of explained. Cyrus convinced the wife that although Vargas would have been a good President, it would be easier to advance his agenda if he were dead. Similar to how they were able to pass Civil Rights laws after JFK was assassinated. The whole

I thought so too.. I thought they were going to use her brain patterns to add to the LMD.

Who? LOL

Yep. In my heyday 80's and 90's) I read JLA books and later got into the Marvel comic books when I got older. I liked being able to laugh at Spiderman or Justice League, but then read the mutant drama in the "X" series too. I could read the Phoenix Saga and then read Captain Carrot and still enjoy both. Didn't have to

Or coffee.. LOL

Give it a try, there's really nothing else on tv right now.. LOL

That was one of the best episodes of the series. I nearly stopped watching after the season two premiere, but it's gotten so much better since then.

—Reading books
—Watching TV on multiple screens with no volume

Same here. The entire reason I got into comicbooks as a kid was due to the yearly JSA/JLA crossovers they did in the 1970s.

Wells was a little different because it was a totally different guy using technology to disguise himself, but I get your point. It is kind of a sleazy thing for Barry-1 to make out with another man (even one that shares his DNA's) wife. It would be like a twin brother tricking his brother's wife and making out with

I think that's a great idea.. They have not shown Henry for a while on the show and it makes sense, especially with the Earth-2 Arrow being Oliver's father.

I heard that Mayor Snart's approval rating was high when he got elected, but now his popularity has gone.. cold.

Earth-2 Barry didn't have the trauma of seeing his mother killed. That Barry grew up with his real mother and father (not in jail). He would have grown up way more sheltered, more idealistic and would not have to hide his feeling for Iris (not his "sister" anymore).

I don't think the device is dumb. Most metahumans carry what is called the "metagene" which determines whether or not they will have powers. Wells figured out a way to detect the gene and made a lot of money off of it on Earth-2.

In the first season finale of The Flash, Thawne/Wells mentioned that “Rip Hunter would be impressed” with the time machine that Team Flash built.

Yea. They've acknowledged Kord Industries a few times in the show.

Ahhh. You're right. So confusing..

Hmm. I do remember the producers talking about Booster Gold showing up a couple years ago, but then last year DC talked about doing a Blue Beetle/Booster Gold movie, so you might be right.