
The Sexual Revolution happened a few decades sooner on Earth-2

Exactly what i thought. Both Barry and Cisco should have been setting those things off everywhere they went.

To be fair, she wasn't that great of an investigative reporter. It took her a year to figure it out on Earth 1.

Dude. Ever since I found out Legends of Tomorrow had time travel, I've been imagining how they could find a way to show the Legion and Booster Gold. Going to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Save The Fetus, Save The World!

It would have made much more sense if he had hid a lockpick instead.

"There's no place like Dome"

Julia NEVER ran out of gas. She was driving her car everywhere.. and it looked like it was right off of the lot. No wonder Big Jim hated her so much.

You dome know what you are missing. Extant is almost as dumb as Under The Dome.

Never even heard of this show. I'm going to check it out now and see if it's as good as that trailer.

I would have thought they'd run out. They always seem to be out of food. There has to be a limited supply of baby products there.

Summer Lovin'.. stuck in a dome
Summer Lovin'.. can't even go home

I think "Buy my cars or I'll kill you" is a pretty catchy slogan.

I'd really like to know how Barbie planned on feeding that baby. Would he have impregnated Julia so she could lactate?

THAT would actually be better than what we're watching now.

It's like a herpes sore that comes back every summer.

Nopeā€¦ but I am STEALING that one.

Another dome!

Dome's gonna dome.

Magnets bitch!!