
Don't you get it?? He's trying to connect with the young folks!

Haha! I thought it was just me who was aware that this secret place exists (#17)! I totally have to go looking for it now...

This gif is everything to me.

Clearly, it was invading his space.

Wow, I can't believe I'm alone on this:

This gif means everything to me.

I always wonder...what could possibly be doing through this guy's head???

Cara Delevingne, I think most most people believe their accents are better when they're drunk.

Seriously, she would've been beautiful if it weren't for that god awful tan.

I just clicked on this link to ask: "WTF IS THIS?"

Let us pray....

lol ->Geocities

I would LOVE to read the interview she does in 10 years talking about her experience, and describing how things didn't turn out the way she expected. (in terms of how much change she could do and how much of her platform was really her free will)

As beautiful as she looks in white, she looks even better in color!

That Stevie Wonder truther link though....ppl be crazy.

Is it? The university's lawyers seem to think otherwise.

She sounds amazingly sensible. Do you know if she was on the show?

So many questions :/......can she just become irrelevant now???

she looks like a mannequin here. CONSPIRACY?

That's so bizarre. Shouldn't he a registered sex offender who can't be around kids?