I'm pretty sure he knew he wasn't.
Side note: just gotta say I'm totally looking forward to the day when everyone is all like "Omg, I can't believe I had a pastel hair phase!" and see's pics of 2014 Nicole Richie and says "Ohh, those 'teens..."
Seriously, don't let them get word of your Benghazi acronym.
Omg I remember this!! I should listen to the Proopcast again...
Damn...I can only imagine how scarred the son must be now.
As a kinky person my first thought was, "She's definitely wearing a collar!"
I also feel that way about the Big Bang Theory.
Omg....I used to have this picture on the front of my school binder, courtesy of J-14.
whatttt????? Write this immediately!!!
To be honest I think this is less "creepy wierdo" and more "sexually repressed person".
omg where is this from?????
I'm going to borrow this term forever...
The cats win!
Scientist are currently doing studies to verify this, but so far they seem to hypothesize that this indeed has something to do with it. http://cen.acs.org/articles/92/i2…