Is it just me or did he really just rep every baseball team ever?
Is it just me or did he really just rep every baseball team ever?
The GOP is less "America's deadbeat dad" and more "that obnoxious uncle who is unable to not snoop into everyone else's lives, and is both disgusted and self righteous by constantly giving advice when no one FUCKING ASKED HIM."
OMG where is this from????
It's so bizarre to me we have to tell guys having a "normal", friendly conversation with a women is the way to get dates...but idk, they hunted mammoths?
"God bless America, and no one else!"
Thank god I read your comment to the end because I almost googled it! But now I'm so fucking curious...
This is one of those stories where I'm just smh and saying "as if this whole situation could not get any worse..." and of course, it does.
Black Fish was an awesome and beautiful movie (if you haven't seen it, DO IT.) but honestly the part that stuck most with me was the scene where they showed trainings jerking off a whale into a plastic bag for procreation purposes.
I am filled with so many questions now. I am a collector of great drunk stories.
Is....she for reals?
Seriously, at 0:56 that poor blonde looked so fucking uncomfortable. ://
So many great quotes in this article:
Dont know where its from but I need this gif foreva!
Instead of Sublime, for me it was this album of My Chemical Romance.
Given this exchange happened at 11:15 pm on a Saturday night I suspect he was drunk. Not that that's an excuse or anything.
I think it's hi-larious that men like him are like "#notallguys!" but then turn around and say shit like this which is essentially "DO NOT TRUST ANY MAN EVVVVEEERRRR!"
Lmao "sooooo much cat shit"
I love me some fast fashion! >.< My attention span is to short to have long lasting clothes... unless it was a fox fur coat. I'd wear that foreva.
Welllll, I guess I'm glad they're trying to do something about this epidemic. I'm just not sure how helpful this is...