Sooooo I just found out about this at work today. All the boys in my office crowded around a computer in the corner to discuss "the fappening". Its my current reminder why I have a hard time finding suitable partners.
Sooooo I just found out about this at work today. All the boys in my office crowded around a computer in the corner to discuss "the fappening". Its my current reminder why I have a hard time finding suitable partners.
Somehow, I feel like this story is very fishy... I mean fuck anti-abortion laws but wtf was a dead baby doing outside a restaurant?
Loving Idris' photo! (fuck Diddy tho...)
The single most obnoxious person in the world.
Biggest lesson learned is don't wear fucking heels when you're drinking! Glad most young women in the Bay Area have sense to keep it caus.
I'm glad you said this because I've been trying (and failing!) at wearing those things. >.< I think your ass has to Minaj status for it to work.
Wait a minute...where do you live??? Because I certainly won't be moving there anytime soon!
Just what I needed on a hungover Friday. >^..^<
I totally predicted this when I heard they were getting married...just sayin'. But Dem Babies are the cutest!
That scene with Drake was soooo hot!
I think we should investigate this so called "selfie stick"....
If it really was an "accident", why were they kicked out of the sorority? Also, "ninjas" makes no damn sense.
It's funny because even after all that, people still tend to hate Peggy more.
The most shocking thing I learned from this article is that Nancy didn't do it first. :O
The most fucked up thing is they were caught with another child. :/
I thought I was the only person that noticed his mouth! :O
Grossssssss....makes me wonder if there had been any domestic violence before?
I seriously wonder if any conservative pro-choicers consider that, because it honestly seems like the logical endgame of preventing abortions.
The most important step I made in my depression was reaching out to a professional and admitting I had a problem.