
“There are very fine tires on both sides.”

That’s a shame, because the Model S is a seriously handsome car. Unlike the Model 3.

Three naysayers vs. 8 thumbs up and more across my other replies. Versus zero stars for your reply :( so there! 🙃

Agreed - having key info front and center would be really nice.

It was the Peak’s fault. That mountain is biased against Elon. How dare it damage a precious Tesla. Knock it down.

Have you ever driven an ICE car at those altitudes? It's insane how much power you lose.

An electric car currently holds the overall record, so I imagine you are right.

Were they using Autopilot?

It’s not his fault. I’d say that 95% of all Mexican restaurants in the USA probably matches that description of same thing, different presentation. Why go to the trouble of making something that takes a lot of extra time and effort when tacos y burritos are 99% of the sales? It’s probably the same reason that the guy

All of these are delicious...point is now I’m hungry and don’t have any of these dishes!

Nuggets, yes... Fries, no

God bless el pastor, el cochinito pibil y las carnitas.

Don’t you dare talk shit about carne asada fries 

Your beef is with Jim Gaffigan who he stole the joke from

If you go to a Mexican restaurant, you’re going to end up with some combination of cheese, meat, vegetables, and beans on, in, or under tortilla.

Man, I’m so tired of lens discussion pounding a nonexistent point into the ground—how different focal length lenses distort differently. And when you look at the images of the Porsche “distorting” when taken with different focal lengths, it seems like I’m as full of crap as our criminal president.

You danced all around it. It’s called depth of field. The longer lens compresses the area of sharp focus. You don’t need to go all the way to 300 mm, just shoot wide open, smallest f-stop you’ve got. It works better with longer lenses, but the f-stop is more important.

What M8? Auberlen drives a M6.

Stolen from Rayce Archer below: