
The automotive douche bag youtubers trend need to die.

Streaming culture needs to die, end of sentence. 

It will die as soon as people stop wanting to see douchebag youtubers.

Not going to give him the click to watch the video.  We need to stop making stupid people famous.

Found Pog

The automotive douche bag youtuber trend needs to die.

He hired a stuntman to deliberately crash that car. He is known to have done a few fakes in the past, like pretending to have connected his aventador to some xbox controllers to play forza.
He’s wearing a red short for the whole thing, but the inside shot when the car crash, whoever is driving wears a black

Take it off. You know they’re removable, right? There’s no reason to be dragging a tent around for the other 360 days of the year, except as a sacrificial offering to the fuel gods.

The mobile experience has a couple problems:

I, for one, do not welcome our new slideshow normalizing overlords. 

because a stick shift is a sign of virility in some circles?   

This is the dumbest take ever. How do traffic stops keep drugs off the street?

The US government has actually been really shitty at defeating enemy countries in a war outside of one or two wars in its entire history.

Go look at the prices for stock S2ks and tell me this guy is trying to get ANY of his money back.  This easily falls in line with those prices even at the higher mileage

A $5 donation and 20 minutes of reverse google image searching and you too can be a winner!

Just busting your balls Andrew, awesome idea and really neat prizes!

Ah yes. An effective protest is one that everyone can ignore and pretend does not exist. MLK was famed for saying, “We must appease the white moderate who needs his comfort and convenience.”

You mean you and your spouse went out on the front lawn and pointed guns at them.

The driver and passenger, of course, claimed that they were scared of the protesters, which seems to be a common refrain in these increasingly common attacks

Hey man, it aint cheap to keep an entire product development department liquored up and wasted 24/7.