
$4.5M for 12,000 sq ft on four acres? In Potomac, MD?

That movie was about social distancing, right?

I went to a fabric store and asked if I could get felt. I had to go in the back

Ok boomer

wow loads of childhood memories there.. i replaced the wheels of a few dub models. where else could i get a 1:24 gallardo superleggera for $12? they all use basic pin axles so replacing the wheels is straightforward if not exactly easy

ugh i knew foose had his billet aluminum hands on it somewhere!

i’ve always hated these GT500 recreations, because why the FUCK do they ALWAYS use this tacky fuckin bodykit???? It’s bad, but also so so so fuckin played out. Remember what the GT500 actually even looks like? Because it was not a slab nosed coffin with side exhaust!

Or an actual old Mustang instead of a new copy of an old one that’s made out of expensive materials just for the sake of being expensive.

Next up: Carbon fiber Ming vase. Stupid Ming Dynasty making things out of the wrong materials. 

Yeah, but carbon fiber is pretty delicate, how’s it going to hold up when you drive through a crowd of spectators during your peel out?

Long annoying story.  

Holy shit.

Might i suggest

The GX is a better option if you’re ripping off the bumpers anyway. 

Just came this far to say, this format sucks. thanks.

Slideshow is garbage. If this is permanent, it will be the death of this site.

I’m just here for the comments bashing the slideshow! I clicked through 8 pages, so don’t disappoint me Jalops!

This slideshow format is garbage. I’ve stuck with Jalopnik for a long time, and Tom, David, and Torch are primary reasons why.

But making articles into slideshows to generate more ad views is going to be a REAL quick way to kill a lot more ad views, myself included.

I hope the Herb up top hears this, but probably not.

What is this listicle BS?

Hmmm. I'm a bit unsettled by the jokes that are already coming in. It is a very serious accusation with extremely unsettling deeds claimed to have been committed. I was about to post a joke myself as well, but it never seems appropriate.