Haaaaaahahahahaha I knew as soon as I saw the Facebook "Engaging with diverse co-workers can be recorded on your time sheet" that this was a law firm. God bless 'em, it's all about how you spend your time.
Haaaaaahahahahaha I knew as soon as I saw the Facebook "Engaging with diverse co-workers can be recorded on your time sheet" that this was a law firm. God bless 'em, it's all about how you spend your time.
I have a friend whose parents are corporate, top-level executives and their house is AWFUL. No scheme, nothing to tie the room together, just a bunch of random furniture from the 90s all strewn in there (and smells like it hasn't been cleaned since the 90s). Part of me dies every time I go.
"'She was a horrible decorator. Money cannot buy you taste. She would put plaid with stripes and all sorts.'"
"boobs no shirt" hahaha I am dying
Oh man I am late to this party and nobody will probably see it BUT. Apparently, Justice Scalia is friends with a professor who teaches at my school. He was making a cameo in his class one week so he was on campus walking around. I go to a Catholic school, so we have a resident priest. This was early-ish in the fall…
Was this at the University of Tennessee? I seem to remember him doing that when I was there...
Whoa, totally missed the whole turning Gregor into a zombie thing. I like this theory! I also heard that The Hound was a monk, so I'm on board. As far as the 3 dragon heads, I agree with you completely. For some reason, I thought that "little brother" had to be one of the 3 dragon heads, but I suppose it doesn't have…
Also, what if "little brother" is Jaime? He is technically younger and he's having some serious changes of heart
Did I miss Cersei's upcoming trial by combat?? I have trouble keeping those books straight.
I agree with both of this!! Also, I always keep going back to "A dragon has 3 heads" and the Cersei prophecy (is that in Book 4? I don't know) about the "little brother" - It seems super obvious to be Tyrion because that's who she thinks it is but I would love that. I also think the "little brother" could be Bran or…
One word: Bonnaroo.
Yes!! Strung together, sounds more like "Devilsbeatnizwife" (again, Northeast TN - Appalachian accents are a rare breed).
Tennessean checking in! I go to law school "up north" (DC, it's still the north) and I refuse to get rid of my accent. I still frequently use expressions like "piss like a racehorse," "sweatin' like a whore in church" and "colder than a witch's titty" (I'm from Northeast TN, it's a thing). Fuq da haterz.
Kind of irrelevant, but man I hate Carrie Bradshaw. She was always so whiney and self-centered and manipulative.
Thank you! Wow. That's just...appalling.
Good lord, who were this woman's lawyers? They should be disbarred.
OH ALSO YES - I second whoever said the REAL Grimm's fairytales. Be sure to sit her down and tell her how stupid Snow White is.
His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman! That's the book with The Golden Compass about it. Fair warning, they talk a lot about death and the afterlife and like alternate universes and things so that might scare a very smart 10 year old. She's probably already read Harry Potter but in case she hasn't...Harry Potter.…
Yassss was just gonna post how this is the most awkwardly positioned, hideously colored Vogue cover I've seen. It looks like she stuck her against a cream wall and was like "Ok do a prom pose" and then was like "whatever fuck it that's your cover." Such a power move. I love it.