
Thank you Jesus, Corker and Alexander aren't on this list.


Another fun Stacey Campfield piece of legislation is the bill proposing reducing aid to underprivileged families if their kids start failing school. I'm just waiting for his batshit beyond batshit personhood bill before I peace out of Tennessee forever.

I'm with you. Except I would want a courthouse wedding and a rowdy reception that people will be talking about years later. So that's where my priorities are.

You sound like me! The Swan Princess movies (okay yes I know not Disney but whatever) were my favorite because they were always planning something and it had ~*magik*~ and was cool as hell. I liked Cinderella because they had to find a way to fool her stepmother and let her go to the ball. It can be a great way to

I get what you're saying and I agree. I think a lot of it has to do with how parents treat their kids after said movie-watching experience. I had a bit of a nonconventional childhood. I lived with my male cousin and played with his (mostly male) friends outside until I was 5; we didn't have a TV or video games, just

I have a stuffed animal cat. I hug it.

I went to a speech by Kagan earlier this year and someone asked her how she writes her opinions. Her response was something along the lines of "Well I have a clerk write a first draft and then I go through and fix some things."

Fun, sorta irrelevant fact: I know a girl who went to Regis Jesuit High School and swam there. She was a senior when Missy was a freshman. Small world.

Didn't Doug Barry post this like, 2 days ago?

The problem with Taylor Swift's dress is that it looked like something off the JC Penney prom rack circa 1997.

Holy God this is terrible. All of the new music released today is just so disappointing. :(

Such a great comment! I'm glad to hear you and your best friend are still close even though you're in different places. Mainly because I'm probably going to be that best friend to someone else.

Take it up with Gaga.

Very good points! I hope that's how it works out for Gaga.

Oh yeah, it was. But the Dirt Bag blurb about her considering changing her career trajectory for her boyfriend in comparison to this quote kind of makes me sad. But also maybe signifies a change in priorities which is totally fine. Maybe I'm just cynical.

Re: Gaga "Some women choose to follow men, and some choose to follow their careers. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up in the morning and tell you it doesn't love you anymore." - Lady Gaga

Jodie Foster wtf.

Hahaha oh my God preach. I just laughed the entire time I read this.

Yay Miss New York!!! She wasn't my favorite at first but her talent and interview answer won me over. And she was so sassy and looked like she was really having fun! Yay!