

I, and my friends who personally know her, agree.

Is anyone else a little uncomfortable about Jezebel constantly calling Ryan Lochte a "sex idiot" and other such terms. I get that he's not that smart and says dumb things, but for a site that purports to be feminist and against sexual objectification, I think showing the same respect to a man makes sense.

GO VOLZZZ! Yay Vol Jezzies!

Hold up, doe. I saw on E! that Haylor were in NYC for New Year's so...

So if anyone is still awake: Has anyone had to deal with a friend who was being emotionally abused? One of my friends is in that situation with her ex-boyfriend. They broke up almost a year ago, and she has tried to cut him off, but he won't let her. Every time he sees us out, he'll text her or approach her. When she

Gawd, I had a French professor who gave the worst grades to all but maybe 3 students who constantly brown-nosed her. After my third composition with nothing but "C" written on it, I went to her office and kissed her ass, hard. I made an A minus.


Jessica Simpson, what even are those jeans.

Nope, super bubbly and social. But also, realistic. Did these lawmakers change their tune after Aurora? No.

I agree that Nancy and Adam are the first to blame, yes. But what enabled Nancy Lanza to have a semi-automatic weapon in her home? The laws in Connecticut. While I commend Connecticut for having the 5th toughest gun laws in the nation (though not tough enough, obviously), I have to say that lawmakers also bear

"The NRA's Congressional BFFs Who Have Suddenly Realized They Have the Blood of Dead Children on Their Hands and Need to Win Elections Somehow*"

Scott Disick tho. Trollin' so hard. I love him.

One time my 15 year old sister asked me "Who is this Enrique Iglesias person? Is he new?" I died.

Wasn't Track in the military? Would her child get some sort of military benefits for life since he is the biological father? I don't know how military benefits work but I sure hope so!

I just think it's harder these days to meet someone at age 18-19, fall in love, get married, get jobs, and have a baby by age 21. The economy is changing, educational requirements are changing (if I have to hear that a Bachelor's is like high school ONE more time...) and I think societal norms are changing as well.

I just got paid $175 for two weeks of work that sucked way more than getting my face on a Pepsi can :((((( WHO NEEDS 50 MILLION DOLLARS WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE LIKE 25 MILLION?!?! What do you do with it all? Where does it all go? Maybe I'm just bitter.

I had never heard of Retta before this, and now I want her to be my best friend. "...bitch." HAHA I died.

Fifty. Million. Dollars. to sell a soft drink that people buy anyway. FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS. My brain is feeling outraged and poor this morning.

I just really really like Matt Damon. I don't know why. He seems genuine and cool and as un-Hollywood as an A lister can get. Maybe I'm wrong, but I still love him.