
Yeah, I will admit that a lot of people actually believe that abortion is murder, but I can't help but wonder if they would believe that if it weren't drilled into them by church leaders and politicians, who are predominantly, at least in this country, white men. Maybe I'm thinking too far into it, but I can't get

When will people realize that being "pro life" is really just a means of rich white people attempting to frantically hold onto power? The "pro life" movement is a way for rich white men to ensure that white women continue to reproduce and maintain the racial status quo. It's a weird form of reverse eugenics that has

Hearted. Just last night I was talking with a friend about how she is sometimes forced to rationalize her Catholicism to herself because she's also a feminist. As a person of faith, I, too, find myself having to cherry pick certain beliefs in order to reconcile them with my principles. And that just isn't okay.

Shame watcher of the Bachelor also. I watched this season because a girl I know's sister was on it. And she embarrassed herself. I almost want it to continue being a "LOL, look at those dumb WHITE girls!" show because I KNOW so many people would say "LOL, look at those black girls acting black!" or "Latina girls

Yeah! IDGAF about Jack and Rose, but the childrennnn. Tears.

My best friend went to a Catholic high school and the same thing would happen there: girls who got pregnant were expelled, but their baby daddy's could stay. One girl got expelled for using birth control (they found the discarded package in the trash can (!!!!!) and checked the cameras to see whose it was).

Oh hell, I maybe potentially have an inkling of who you're talking about and it is so sad. And I never knew that about GVS. Ugh. I'm disgusted.

I react this way and I'm 20 and childless. I can't watch Titanic because of the scene with the crying little boy and his father who go the wrong way (seriously, getting choked up right now). Sometimes when one of my friends loses someone that they are close to, I cry for days because it's just so heartbreaking. And I

Why is Oprah "desperately" trying to keep OWN on air? Doesn't she know she can just sit at home and watch TV for the rest of her life?

Don't the writers and creators realize that by putting this show on HBO, they automatically make it elitist and unrelatable? Who in their target audience can afford HBO? Girls (or guys, whatever) living with their parents. The majority of 20 something women (hopefully) laughed when they heard a "real show, portraying

Free Plan B?! Until now, I believed such a thing only to exist in myths.

UGH I was so hoping the star over Memphis was actually just a star over somewhere in Mississippi. #hopesdashed

One episode of TT featured a woman who had a son first and then a daughter. She said, of the birth of her son, "I was kind of disappointed because the only reason I had kids was to put them in pageants, but then I found out there were pageants for boys so then it was okay." (Paraphrased). SHE SAID THAT ABOUT HER OWN

When Bruce Pearl (former UT men's basketball coach) was suspended last year, my friend and I joked that Pat Summitt would have to take over for him. I remember watching the UT men's vs. Vanderbilt game, and the team was playing shiteously without Bruce. At one point during the second half, Pat began running up and

Pull ourselves up by our bra straps?

Ugh, YES, she is my GIRL. I live 45 minutes away from Dollywood; that place is the shiiiit, and she makes surprise appearances sometimes.


I don't watch Girls (because I can't afford HBO) and IDGAF what the point of the show is/what it's supposed to portray/whatever. What I do GAF about is the fact that ONLY 54% OF PEOPLE IN MY DEMOGRAPHIC ARE EMPLOYED. What the everloving hell? I cannot possibly be the only person who thinks it's seriously fucked up

This is going to be a long post, so bear with me.
