
I'm 20 and didn't know who either of those were until my 15 year old sister put their music on my ipod last week.


I am literally crying because I feel so bad for your friend. Fuck old ladies. I need to go to bed.

I am a poli sci major and have never heard of stata. Having mini panic attack about quality of my public university education.

Jan Brewer, as a fellow woman, this is all I have to say.

Pregnant (preg-nuhnt) (adj) - Having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal (dictionary.com).

My best friend makes $12K a year (before taxes!) and is in grad school. YAY.

Tennessee didn't make it on the most teen pregnancies list, hayyy.

This is just great. I love the world.

Future engineer of America. Someone get this kid a full scholarship/badass job.

Hehe thanks! :)

Deny til you die.


I don't want to be part of this society anymore.

Oh thank God. My brain was about to explode.

Tucker Max is 36. Why does he think it's still socially acceptable to act like an 18 year old frat boy?

This cannot be real.

"Er...probably Caydenn/MacKennsy, actually." Lol'd so hard.

First thought upon seeing this article: No. Shit.

I've always had a girlcrush on Katie, but shutting down Sarah Palin really kicked it up a notch. I am such a fangirl.