I'm actually really sad that a platform of legalizing gay marriage and marijuana and forgiving student loans is considered too progressive to be viable. Our country would be fucking awesome if all of that happened at once.
I'm actually really sad that a platform of legalizing gay marriage and marijuana and forgiving student loans is considered too progressive to be viable. Our country would be fucking awesome if all of that happened at once.
I really am worried. I would be less scared if I knew any Republicans who would actually vote for Obama if Santorum were the GOP nominee, but I don't. Here in Tennessee, most people will vote for ANYONE with an (R) next to their name, and that is terrifying.
Meh, Carrie was not the strongest/most sympathetic character. A younger Samantha, though...THAT would be interesting television.
I will donate all of my paychecks from now-whenever if it means this loon stands absolutely no chance of being President.
Will someone PLEASE unearth some sketchy emails or nude pix he's sent to unwilling parties already? This shit has gone on long enough.
I have a lot of Republican friends who are as disgusted and shocked by Rick Santorum as I am. A lot of them have said that they wouldn't vote for him, and were wishy-washy when I asked if they would vote for Obama instead. I think a lot of the moderate/not batshit crazy Republicans will stay home, because although…
I don't eat pork :( Now I feel dumb...
Oh yes, you are exactly right. The only thing that would make Bible belt Baptists vote for a Catholic is throwing a Mormon in the mix. Much more terrifying.
I really want some fried chicken after seeing that picture.
This. Probably the only reason Romney can't win in the south.
Nixon is/was by far my favorite Republican president. He rawks.
If she's from Bosnia, she is most likely not an heiress because everything that there was to inherit was pretty much destroyed during the war.
Jon Hamm is younger than my parents. This means it's totally okay to fantasize about him, right?
I just hate that Ugandans are being portrayed as the stereotypical starving peasants who need a white savior. That is white privilege if I ever saw it.
MINE TOO. I thought I was the only one!
"I think people think we're over there delivering shoes or food."
"It's time we began acknowledging that women need contraception because they like to fuck."
Irrelevant: Aw my gosh, those leaps are perfect. As a former dancer, I am jealous of that form.
Day drinking to go bike riding. Will be trying that this weekend.